I am leaving early today*dances like a wild drunken white guy at some else's wedding with an open bar* I am going with the little woman to our first doctors appointment, the first of many. But this one is the first and I wanted to be there when Dr. Jelly-finger does his thing. Its scrap booking time for baby #2 for us and baby#3 for me LOL. We are hoping for a girl this time but I personally only want a healthy baby, boy or girl. If I get a boy I can call them 'My Three Son's' LOL. Its funny, we went out to TGIF's last night and little man was his evil 2 year old self, but behind us there was a family of 5. Mom and dad, and their 3 little girls! We were betting that the last girl was supposted to be a boy, mom and dad praying extra hard for this one to have a tail. But like I said I don't care one way or the other, I just love the first few years. Don't get me wrong I love them at any age but they are never as loving or cuddly as they are during those first few years. Then they learn to walk and the first place they walk is away from you, talk and say NO and other things that will raise the hairs on your neck. A two year old shouting "FUCK" in a restaurant isn't as funny when its yours but its still pretty funny :-D! They learn to be there own person, which is great for them and they should. But it is sad as they pull away to take on the world and all its pain on there own. Then you suddenly notice that you missed the silence and all that 'me' time you used to have and you can't wait until they are in school full time LOL.
But lets see how this weekend pans out, I am planning on going out with an old friend on Saturday night. Probably no drinking involved but no biggie, I have not be felling in the brain cell killing mood lately. Maybe I will save it up for when the Bro-in-law comes home from da Navy. We all know that those first days will be booze soaked and full of fuzzy memories LOL. I have to get going now, got to get the payroll done early. So here are a few quick funnies to get us all smiling for the weekend.
1) They can mix drinks and sauce all at the same time.

2) I have been to several of these b.s. artist as a kid and this is how they always made me feel. Damn quack doctors!

3) I know I am going to hell so fuck it, I thought this was funny!

4) To bad if she catches you doing what she said you will go without sex for 3 months instead of the usual 2.

Have a good weekend yall.
I want 3 boys when I have kids!
Have a good weekend :)
Thanks Steph. Love the pics u got there. One are one hottie! But after all the drinking on new years I was hoping to see a naked pic or at least a topless one lmao!
the_mrs: Not sure if we want to know. The wife wants a girl so bad I think if she finds out its another boy now she will be a little down.
And as far as the new slogan, yeah there is alot to see in NJ. The dirty white trash shores, malls as fas as the eye can see, dirty run down poverty sticken Alantic City, historical sites(but what state along the east coast doesnt have them), but the one and only thing worth seeing in NJ is me! I am an amuzment park ride and a national attraction all in one lol. Come ride Toad the Wet Sprocket, its a blast, its fast and it will leave you gasping for more lmao!!!!
I suggested a solgan but they never responded to it : New Jersey, once you get past the smell you got it licked.
No one in the slogan office has a since of humor lol.
aw honk this is great news~~~!!!!!!!
The government gave me $3.75 in return for the promise that I will never reproduce. Suckers! If they would have realized I have absolutely no shot of ever getting laid, they could have saved a few bucks.
the_mrs: Tell him I wont charge for admission and I will keep the sloopy seconds to myself lol.
D- Thanks!
Morbid: Hey you never know, Hillary Clinton had a kid! She didnt even look good when she was young, nasty just nasty lol. So there is hope for everyone :-)
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