Last week I came across a comment about what a fellow blogger had said to another on his site. Now I have not told him that I was going to blog about this here but I am sure he will be cool with it. And if he isnt I will remove this post. His blog is really funny and good for a laugh, nothing serious going on here so why would someone with some hardcore stick in the mudd problems bother reading it is beyond me.
Here is the post that started itMOFO but as one can see he took it down. I personaly would have left it up. It was basicly him responding to a hypothetical question about what would he do if he had to start dating again( he is married I gathered lol) and this girl-Rollersakter- put her two cents in and kept adding to it. She was lookin for a whole fucking dollar here! A guy posting a funny, turns into an attack from the womens lib, wow.
The second part gets better MOFO someone*cough-me-cough* told him about the find using the same cowardly method she did-anonymous. I posted what he needed to fight back on this blog hater and boy did he ever....MOFO.
This is just a little note to all those that read and comment on other peoples blogs. It is their blog and they are giving the everyday person the privledge to say something. If you dont like what you see, leave. And if you must say something, say it and leave it at that. Dont turn it into a fucking blog war, a few bad apples can and do rot the bunch. I love reading blogs and getting insights to other ppl that I would have never had the chance to meet if it were not for sites like this. So thank you blogspot and I hope for those who like to make a mess like it when they get their noses rubbed in it.
----Strike one up for my newist blogging super hero** Crackerman**
And just in case no one figured it out I was the anonymous crackerman lol.
God I love drama, it sure makes for a fun post!
I just tracked down my "anonymous" dickhead's IP though webtracker I installed on my blog... Then emailed and phoned his ISP with the texts of his posts...
That ended it.
But I can't stand the way that some people have to be so fucking negative. If I don't agree with the post and can't find a decent way to respond, I'll fucking ignore it. I got out of grade school years ago and don't play the sophomoric games too well anymore. Sometimes I wish I was still on the job so I could hunt the bastards down and do a little "Stick Therapy" on them...
But then again, they took all the fun out of the job around 1992 or so...
webtracker can do that...which one do u use?
I am nots az smarts as soome ppl here. How do dat work?
Don't let them get to ya, they're nobody!!! lol ;)
NOOO jenn-naay how could someone fall asleep reading a fellow wallice and gromet lovers blog lol!
Honkeie, I read his blog, and it's really quite funny... i'll have to link his to mine some day!
I just linked him, I do miss that rollergirls comments though, blog wars bring out the animal in me lol
You know... I got on here just know and saw the 'retard' thing and just about died as it has keen reference to my blog today LMAO...
And I'm all for zapping the anonymous little twits that post mean things on my blog... what the hell did I ever do to them!
im bored, where the hell are ya?
yes... screw them all... i don't understand how people can't take a joke... everyone is too serious now a days... have a little fun in your life!
I don't have time to read this post, but I just wanted to say hi!
Yeah I think there are people out there with no lives-- just LOOOKING to start shit., by leaving rude comments, or what not. Idiots.
Man, how could I not be cool with this post? You gave me three days of materail...that's some good schtick...
wooohooo totaly worth it :-D
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