When asked what I was dressed as I had several answers. I was a retarded candy raver at first but my son got upset when he saw his pacifier around my neck. He jumped up and caught it in his mouth and I then had a tigger hanging around my neck flopping around like a fish out of water. So I change it to just plan retard, I wish I could have gotten the special olympics pic on a tee shirt but all this up tight white ppl would have strated a riot over it. All these aging yuppies and their half retarded kids would gang up on me and beat me senseless with bags of candy. Note to all those ppl out there that want to get their careers and lives on track before they have kids, the chances of having children with special needs increases with age.
But enough of me being an ass.....here is my costume :
Me normal----

The evil me comes out along with the shocker......

Shocker 2 and yes I have 4 bandanas on...got all gangs colors coverd here in whitey white ville lol. The look on those uptight crackers was priceless when they walked pass me. They saw the kids and were all like, " Ahhh how cutie!" and then they saw me and you could see the confusion wash over their uncultured, overly protected, and overly make-uped faces. You can not believe the number of 'Tammy Fae Baker' costumes I saw.

The wife got into the spirit to with some make-uped booboos and pink hair.

As I mentioned little man was a tigger and here he is. The whole reason we dont eat our young when they drive use insane- pictures like this heheehe.

This is the picture perfect town where my mom now lives. It's kinda scary how perfect it "looks". I swear that there are aliens hidding here somewhere plotting to take over.

Here is the whole family at the end of the day; little man on top, me, the wife and the oldest. He was dressed as peter pan with guns....his words not mine lol. This has to be one of the warmest and brightest halloweens I can remeber. My memories of this time of the year are usually cold and dark, the way halloween should be lol.
But we got alot of candy and the kids had fun, time to start calling the dentist and making the appointments now :-D