-And now, for something completly different ( And if you get that reference you are as cool as me hehehe)
1) Safety first no matter what hole you are going into.

2) See I knew this things were gay!

3) This is in reference to the internet arguing #1.......

4) Internet arguing #2.............

5) Hey Cherry, you can use this for a Star Wars entry . I am soo loving this picture I am laughing at my own post mauhahahahahhaahahahha!

6) This one isnt really funny but good god what an ass lol.

7) Yeah beotch!

8) And one more exspressing my general attitude this week..........

Happy Friday ppl, I will be at a party later tonight: Open bar and food as far as the eye can see. I hope to be rather drunk but I will try to stay light with the food. The gym is going good and I dont want to take 4 steps back after only 2 steps forward lol.
This weekend is gonna be hard! Ive been hella good in the gym this week-- I gotta try and stay outta the bars!!! I know if I drink- I'll end up eating.. and sleeping in late,.. and not wanting to go work out... Ugh... there goes my social life for awhile:(
Have fun at your party!! :)
Some dude at work just walked up behind me in my cube- while I was watching the Xtina dance thingy... F... :)
If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!!
LMAO!!! Man you got me fucken rollen over here!!!
Haaaa E-thugs!!!!
No!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!
Step off my grill dog!!! I couldnt have said it better myself!!! LMAO!
Your out of control today H!!!!
These tail lights are super!!! LMAO!!
No H, they are FAB_ U _ LOUS!!!!
*dying from laughter*
Yea I am kinda in that mood too,
FUCK OFF! Not you!!! But you know who!
[insert me throwing wrenches at honkie]
Dodge them beotch!
Steph....did that guy get a stiffy...I know I did lol.
D- [ducking] HAHA ya missed lol.....[throwing used tampons]
You nasty bitch! I love your ass though!
*two snaps in a circle*
Honkie is Fabulous!
Im trippen today
[hands on hips] I and so merto-fab i even scar myself sometimes! And PB vampire tea bags are all yours....
THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY!!! Whew! We made it!
vampire tea bags are all yours....
Haaaaaaaaa rofl!!!! lmao!!! oh H you lost it!!
loved that too normies..
*step off my grill*
E-Thugs Fa Life
OMG. Honkie, Cherry, wurr the hell r u's!
OMG, I just saw your comment about vampire teabags....damn honkeie, you have words for everything!!!! Vam Teabags, Donkey Punch, etc. :)
LOL I love darth vader...lol
That is a nice ass. That chick has got the skills.
Skills that need to be on ma grill!
I would toss that salad and add my own secret ranch dressing lol!
Holy crap...
"vampire tea bags"
The rest of them are awesome Honkie!! I really like the sunshine one.
give me the tool box, Imma bout to sart throwing wqreches at you nkow who!!
dodge this muther fucker!
LOL I looove Dodgeball!!
the_mrs....would have been funny if he suddely did though lol.
I have a feeling this is going to be one hell of a blogger war
Believe dat Honkie, you know how we do.
[camo gear ready]
LOL haaaaa!!! thats what Im talken bout!!
Have a
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