But any-who, after a week of watering it and putting it in the sun I am glad to share with you......'The plant that should not have been'......


New camera doings its thang!
Normally I have a black thumb but this time I have won the battle. I wonder how long this can go on before death comes and claims my plant. I have never had an office plant, so lets see how this one goes, who know maybe I could start up a collection of living things on my desk, other than bacteria , germs and parasites.
aw it is so pretty, unfortunately, I accidentally killed mine. I mean, all 4 in the office, well, I am just not good with keeping POintsetta's, they are VERY hard to keep alive.
It is pretty!
to cool, I can not keep those plants alive at all...I have tried so much...Merry Late Christmas :o)
Steph- tanku
Carie- I usually cannt either but we are going on week two whoohooo.
I buy the fake ones....and they still end up looking like I poisoned them. lol
Good job Honkie!!
good for you Honkie....I too can kill silk flower arrangements.
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