Now off topic here but does anyone know about 1-800 -555-tell? It came out some time ago and its a voice activated phone service that has all kind of options on iy. One of the things it used to have was this chat room. It was fun and it helped to pass the time when I used to work night shifts. You would leave a voice message and then add it to the room and ppl would say things back and forth. You have no idea how much fun that was, I used the drunken mexican accent or my redneck on a rampage voice. I was soo much fun to mess with ppl and they really got rather irrate over what ppl would say. Not too much different from ppl arguing on the internet, it is kinda like pissing a dog off that is locked in a car. Bang on the glass and watch them freak out, they cannt get you but boy oh boy are they tring hard as hell. But all good things had to come to an end, the ppl at Tell-me took it down, I am guessing form all the foul language and abuse we were verbally iflicting apon each other. I miss it some times, I still call it from time to time and play blackjack. When the first prompt comes on say 'Blackjack' and see if it still works, never know whats on there now. I think I will go there as soon as I get back form the bathroom, its a 3 cup of coffe day ;-)

I would say:
H A R D L Y W O R K E N !!!!!
Did you take that while we were on the phone!!!!???
1-800 -555-tell?
I'm callen now!!!
me too.....say blackjack!
only fun thing left on TellMe is blackjack....they suck lol.
Isn't it hard to talk with that pen in your mouth?
Call this phone number, it's for sure to make you laugh! Don't worry no person really answers it's just a recording and it's funny as hell!!!!!
VX - oral fixation, right on! lol
LOL... you look somewhat startled.. did you take the picture? Happy HNT
dannnng cute pic!
That phone # thing you were talking about--- Omg I would be so addicted, so I totally can't even go there! :)
I saw this in a magazine ad for Tag body spray for men:
"In the event of a dicey and/or sketchy situation involving TAG affected females, call immediately. 1-888-TAG-ASST"
I spent hours on that line....
Happy HNT!
I'd have to say hardly working just like me! LOL!
purdy eyes hehehehehhe...thanks The_Mrs....the danger of pen chewing lol....ever swallow ink?
ty normi
Swallowed, ink? no, not ink.
Bah putooie to ink...
You are SOOO in violation of the HNT rules and regulations.
For shame using a pen as a coverup.
Haaaaaaa Ms P!!!!!
Take it off!! Take it off!!!
yeah show us somthing fun :-D
Over the bridge
thru the woods
LOL I chew on my pens when I'm concentrating too. Very orally fixated here too. Don't say it like its a bad thing...hehe
Happy HNT!
Into the bush, help On-Star, I am in crashed into someones bush....not sure whos but I am sure its a bush of some sorts!
hhaha yall!!!
omg on star honkie!!! Laughen my fucken ass off!
To Swallow or not to .. nevermind.
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