My milk damn it!

Visual aide # 1, maybe I should have tried different languages ass well. Like 'fatbastard' or 'fuck tart'!

Visual aide #2, if the first one didnt do it maybe this one would.

Lesson for the day: Dont mess with my food! Nothing gets my panties in a bunch more than someone fucking with my nummy num numes!
But anywhoooo, this little pic below is how I feel every Thursday for HNT. I will try for a better one myself but I find nothing to whoohooo about the male body. Any suggestions on what I could post? And sorry but no penis shoots, I have some family that read this and I am sure none of them would like to see my man hood staring them right in the eye.
Until tommorrow....................

noooo Jennnay you have to continue! I come looking for you HNT post!!!!!
Man back is nice...
I like a nice bicep or a picture of a hand. You have a calf!! Take a black and white of it flexing! haha
I have no idea.
This weeks HNT is supposedly a "favorite" of the year...
I have no effen clue what to do...
I have a suggestion for the food thief. Put a little laxative in the milk. You will find out who is stealing your food. As for HNT, post whatever you feel comfortable with. All that is required is that you show skin.
Please no penis pics... I'm not family and I still have no desire to see your johnson...
blondie-Guess what ...I did the back lol.
drunkbh-laxatives lololololol. I will ;-)
tom- I feel you on the weenie thing. Its always a shock to come across some dude showing his stuff ...ewww
you are a mess!!
U got me cracken up over here. Boy you are so crazy.
Heheehheehhe, i love to make ppl smile!
I feel the same way! Woo hoo! Happy Thursdays!
That's a great story. Waiting for more. » »
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