-Some ppl go to church on a regular basis and feel guilty whenever they miss a day, I am the same way with the gym. I used to be alot better with keeping the faith, and after looking at the scale and the amount of junk food around I am going to become a regular again. I have been somewhat repentant in the past few weeks but I am not up to Rev. Honk's standers. I must rebuild the temple that is my body, if god mad us out of his own image then we are all minor gods by proxy. And if our bodies are our temples it is up to us to keep it clean and in working order. One can bring down their home of whorship by to much glutiny and excess. I am all for having a good time but I am also about looking like a chizzeled greek statue. I have yet to achieve this but I plan on working on that from here o out. I have promised myself this in the past and I am tired of lieing to myself.
-Just to clear things up a little, I am only joking about thinking I am anything close to a god, I am god, just kidding, nope, yeah its all in fun, no really I am, haha got you!
-We all should take our health seriously not just for vanity reasons, like me. Some say: Be healthy and die anyway. Yes that is true but when your fat ass has to be CUT out of your house and it makes the local news I am sure your family would have wished they set your ass on fire instead. Like in that movie, Gilbert Grape I think. But the problem their is that grease fires are so hard to put out and you fat filled rump alone could set the western hemisphere on fire for a week.
-So do everything in moderation and workout some. A little can go a lone way and allot can go all the way.
-Join me in monday-friday services at your local gym, you have to be the one to rebuild the temple. Jump on that stair-master, pick up that weigth, and take a cardio class. You cannt beat death but you can sure make getting older a whole lot better.
Thanks Honk :)
I go everyday
I need to stop smoking now
iti s harder than I thought
You raise a very good point.... If we are created in God's image, would we not be Gods in training?!
ok..so I kickbox Tuesday & Thursday, and hot yoga on Wed, and then I try to hit the gym the other days...
But yet, I have platued... maybe I need to stop drinking..there are alot of calories in alcohol.. but its fun!!!
Yeah my biggest problem seems to be the drink ass well lol
I was so inspired by your post, that I threw up in my mouth a little bit. Alright, alright, alright. I'll get my lazy ass back in the gym because I gained 15 lbs. this year...damn you blogger scum!
Oh, and since I am in the giving mood..."YOUV'E BEEN TAGGED BEYATCH!"
You know the drill, take ti from my blog, post the rules, tag others, blah - blah - blah.
I blame blog for my lack of gym too lol.
drinking and smoking are my vices. and french fries.
Just wait until AFTER the holidays, actually after Jan 1. Then when you hit the gym, you won't be able to move because it will be packed with all those people who feel THIS YEAR will be the year they stick to losing a few pounds. Yeah, right. Once mid January hits, all those fake New Year's resolution gym members will have fled back to the cheesecake and the rest of us can once again get on the treed mill without having to wait in line.
LOL steph, I stopped smoking but still a fan of beer and junk food lol.
diamon-I know that story ohh to well, I used to work at one of the hot spot for the new year in shape ppl lol
lol I do the in home gym...I have all the crap to use and I walk...lol I live to far from the gym and city buses don't reach us yet lol
I do the home gym as well, doug you know the place! Sometimes I just dont feel like going out or I am drunk and I get the urge to do weights lol. dont ask.....
home gym
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