Well Happy HNT but for me it is more like Half Asleep Thursday. I have not been getting enough sleep lately and it is really kicking my ass now. Part of the reason is I do not go to be early enough and second I am on call 24/7 and most of the calls I get are between midnight and 5 in the morning. I dont get them all the time but when I do it puts a real world of hurt on me for that day. I am tired, cranky, annoyed and just not my normal self. I hate feeling like this, its like I can see and hear what I am doing but I have no control of myself. I can hear are the craby things coming out of my mouth but will power alone can not seem to keep it at bay. Its almost as if i want everyone to feel as PMSie as I do. I am on coffee #2 and feel no better, I think I just need to go take a nap somewhere. But the only place safe around here to take a nap is on the toilet, and sleeping on the john is not the kinda nap I want.
So i will end this post with a couple of picture that show just how I feel today. So Happy HNT I hope everyone else is more awake than I am...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I feel asleep with hair and look at what was awaiting me in the mirror when I woke up.

I was so tired this morning the razor attacked me and I was only capable of using my face to shield myself. I would not recomend shaving with your eyes have glues shut with sleepy dust.

"Wake me before you go go"
Moment of Zen: when sleep goes bad!
I cannt help it, I was dreaming of all the food I have not be eating......hmmmmmm taco bell....hmmmmm I think I need a napkin...
LMAO, that's a great picture of the Buckingham Palace guard!
LOL, you poor thing. Happy HNT! Now wake up! GET BACK TO WORK YOU!!
wah. damn u.. now the george michael song is stuck in my head.. aaaaahhh
wake me up... before u go go..
LOL... i cracked up so bad with all the pix... you remind me of my coworker long time ago...
happy HNT or... HAT :D
i know how you fell...hope you can make it threw the day....
becky: ya got to lovem
kid: never, u cannt make me muahahaha
melly: I would even pay for sleep right about now lol
VX: If i could stop shaving I would but my facial hair grows way to fast to ever take a break
smash: Misson accomplished!
ka: Was he tall white and damn sexy?
katie: thats why there is coffee haha
haha....great hnt post...I hope you find the restful z's soon!
Good God - Take a nap before you slice your carotid!
hahaha love the pics! and wow, did that guy pass out or what??
I hope today (Friday) is better!
Lol I do that sometimes here, I go to the toilet for a bit of sleep lol but shhhhhhhh nobody around here knows ;)
You're right, not the best solution but when my head is so heavy to carry, it's ... wherever lol.
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