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I live in the state of constant confusion. Its the state colored blue on the map. And yes I can find any place on the globe, its all color cordinated! (duh)Asia is pink, England is green and France ....well France felt they were soo much better than everone else they have become their own planet.

Monday, September 26, 2005

This weekend was a busy one but a fun one. The Blogging God has seen it in his power not to let me post any pics of it for some reason, so this is a total "MIDDLE FINGER MONDAY"
I just cannt post the picture I wanted to use do to the "error" on the site. If the internet were to ever go down I dont know what I will do with my work or maybe read a book.....A Book? Good Gravey!
"Angry oh so angry!" Attempt 6 at getting a pic to load but no luck. I guess I will try later.


Becky said...


Shari said...

Usually flick works pretty good.

Anonymous said...

my friend wasn't able to post her pics either

Katie said...

I tryed to upload a pic today but it would not let me for some reason or another. I dont know whats going on...

sorry you had no luck with your pic

Desiree said...

ohhhhhhhhh blogger was so being an ass the other night inded look forward to the pic finally working lol

slender fungus said...

You reminded me, I needed to use the middle finger today. The rat from last week helped get the message across as well. Thanks.

Danielle said...

you need help over there honk??? lol actually i had trouble posting pictures a few days ago...