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I live in the state of constant confusion. Its the state colored blue on the map. And yes I can find any place on the globe, its all color cordinated! (duh)Asia is pink, England is green and France ....well France felt they were soo much better than everone else they have become their own planet.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Funny for the night owls

This is the design for my new tat. I hope to get it done for next summer so I can tell all those annoying ppl at the beach just how I feel about them without even lifting the finger.
But the wife may not approve of that so I might just put it on a tee shirt and go walking through Virgina where they have a no swearing policy. No swearing, no obsenities, sagging jeans and a whole bunch of other ass backward rules that have popped up over the years in bible country. And since its a common wealth and not a state they can give you a ticket you for it. You only have to pay if you plan on staying or ever coming back. Me personaly, I never plan on going there ever again, I perfer place full of sin and swearing. And since we are not in Virgina this is for anyone in politics out in bumpkin land- Eat Shit and die chocking on the chunky parts.


Lo Lo Lova said...

Good stuff!

So it says "1 comment" on the post, but it looks as though I'M FIRST. Yeah, that's right!

Becky said...

But I'm stuck in Virginia! :'-( AND THE YUPPIES CAN SUCK MY CLIT!!!

honkeie said...

LoLo - being the first is always the best ;-)

Becky- You say that like its a bad thing lol!

Sharon-cool we will having matching tats tooo cool!

Anonymous said...

That is great... I'm going to put that on a shirt and wear it everywhere! lol... it doesn't exactly say it!

Becky said...

You should check out I'm sure you'd get a kick outta it!