The more I play with blogspot the more I feel like a total geek, but oh well. I have started myspace as well but I am finding it to be a little gay. I much prefer it here among the blogging community I know. The only thing I use myspace for is looking for old friends from high school, of which I have found several lol.
I finally figured out how to get my site meter to show on my page with out asking a geek of higher power. I was getting close to doing that but I (me and only me) figured it out whoooohooo go me! I am in no way a real tech geek and all I know I have stumbled into and figured out by trial and error. Usually error, like my first week at blogging. I some how lost all the pics on my site and had to go back and erase alot of non-existing pictures. I am not sure what caused it but it probably had something to do with me messing with the template. I now know better, what to touch and what not to touch. I still have no idea what half of that crap on the template is but I do know how and what I can alter. All the <'s and >'s it looks like a mess to the untrained eye, which mine are not, all kinda scary too lol. The meter on the bottom will now let me know how kewl I really am , well at least in my mind I am kewl. HeHeHeHe. So pardon me as I jump up and down like a wetodd and get smacked in the face by my polyester clip on tie :-D. I will post more later, I am going to be at work until 11:00 tonight so today might be a real heavy posting day or rambling B.S. =So this is my apology in advace. :-X
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What a great site
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