I was back in the general area after I was done with outer and inner thighs and was now going to finish up with some squats when the smell hit me again. But this time it had company, the odor of really bad BO! It was so bad it was giving me a headace. I finally found the source of this smell, it was this giant power lifter I have seen many times before and boy was he ripe! I know I do not smell like fucking roses when I hit the gym but come on now, used deoderant and shower in the morning. I was not about to be the one to give Mr.NoNeck a lesson in hygien and it should be common sense here but sense aint so common . I did find a girl for him though....

It got so bad I had to breath out of my mouth to keep from gagging. Now maybe he cannt smell, it is very common not to have the old nose not working. I have met a few ppl that cannt smell, and I guess ignorance is bliss haha. I would not give up my sense of smell for anything, even if I is under constant attack in places like the gym. The sense of smell triggers so many things, emotions, hunger and many times nostalga(sp).
What smells do you like? Here are a few of mine:
1) The perfume, Sunflower- every other girl in my high school wore this fragance. And to this day it puts me into over drive hehe.
2) Freshly made bread- It just smells good!
3) Magnolia's in bloom- I lived in Baton Rouge, LA for 2 years as a kid and the smell of these flowers make me smile.
4) Beer- need I say more lol
5) Old Spice- I had a bottle of this when I was a kid and it reminds me of simpler days :D
6) Skool- My greatgrand mother did snuff to the day she died in her early 90's. She ate fat back, drank beer and did snuff, what a woman haha!
What smells get u off or remind u of good/bad things?
hmmmm i to like the smell of a good cup of coffe. I love the smell of a freshly open can of coffe :-D
My nose was also assaulted recently.
My stepdad farted in my moms car and put the window lock on thinking he was being funny. I quickly proved him wrong by decorating the back seat with the food I had just eaten for dinner.
I am TERRIBLE with anything. Strong smells always make me gak. At least you can keep yourself from vomiting lol.
Ahh, smells.
The smell of a hot summer night. Reminds me of the times when I was a young and dumb teenager cruising town with my friends in the old convertible. Stetson for men. My very first boyfriend wore Stetson and when I smell it I think of his high school letterman’s jacket, his class ring and class trips. And some people might find this one odd, but the smell of horses. Growing up with horses and barrel racing was the best. Most would find the smell offensive, but for me it takes me back to a much simpler time and it makes me smile.
kristin: That is soo nasty lol. You haev to learn how to turn off your nose when need to.
the_mrs:I love the smell of a freshly washed woman hmmm shower time anyone? lol
Kidd: Nothing wrong with the smell of horses. I can think of a few other things worse than horse haha. All the smell of high school are great :D
I'd so drive you wild! With my Sunflowers perfume I still wear, lol. Yeah, I'm old school!
becky: stayyyyy awayyyyyyy far away lol.
loved this post!!!!
I like---
*Cotton Candy
*Cherry (my favorite)
It got so bad I had to breath out of my mouth to keep from gagging.
LOL!! Honk I can just picture you getting the tongue sweats at the gym! :)
And nothing turns me the hell on more than the way a man smells after working on a car. Something about the "mechanic" smell drive me up the f-ing wall. :)
I love the smell of gasoline.
And I love how certain perfumes remind me of certain times in my life. Ck1 hahahaha reminds me of 8th grade.
I love the smell of beer.
I get sick at the smell of southern comfort.. blahhhhh...
funny funny funny!!!
D: cotton candy hmmm
cherry: and the smell of two dudes makin out, testosterone running rampant lol
steph: I must agree with u on all of yours-gasoline, beef and nasty sf lol
lisa: I like funny but i love psycho stories ;-)
eww b.o. is a realy problem in gyms. smells i like? cinnamon, vanilla, freshly dried laundry, and anything citrusy. oh and 'very sexy' cologne for men by victoria's secret.
oh man... i'm very sensitive when it comes to smell, and that's 1 of the reason why i'm not the biggest fan of gym. :D
freshly made bread
men's cologne - fahrenheit
women's perfume - fleur d'interdit and victoria's secret 'endless love'.. hmmm.... :)
Like 'Ka, I am also very sensitive to smells. When I was pregnant it was unbelievable the odors my sniffer picked up.
This dude sounds absolutely repulsive. And I'm secretly attracted to him. NO I'M NOT - I'M KIDDING!
Good smells: coffee, mom's homemade spaghetti sauce, summer air wafting in thru the open windows, and the Bath & Body Works soap my husband uses. Yummy :)
Where are the nudie pics?! Damn'it! You slacker!
BO is off but nothing beats a repulsive fart. My son, who's five, has learnt this and he reeks. Coffee smells terrible and I can't understand how coffee drinkers can stand it. Old Spice - my first deodorant. Give me Brut 33 any day. Women who use steam roller-sized doses of perfume are certainly overdoing it.
Smell of a fresh morning.
Smell of a newly created dutch oven (as long as I did it!).
Smell of sweat.
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