Here is a pre-navy pic of Doug my bro-in-law. I dont remeber when this was taken but the odds it was summer and he is most likely drunk lol. Cannt wait till he is back safe and sound on American soil so we can go endanger ourselves at the most dangerous place I know: Elizabeth, NJ with a stomach full of Steel Resever or Natty Ice! Notice the hand positions!

I also found an old picture of me when I had long hair. I soooo miss my long hair, but it was such a bitch to take care of. I had to get up an hour earlier to fuck with it, this was one of the better hair days.

One more HNT that will make most of you vomit, much like my last Moment of Zen. But this one is the album cover of the new Bloodhood Gang's cd- Hefty Fine. I have listen to it several time and love it, there are a couple songs that I dont like but for the most part I like it. And the cover made me laugh all the way to the cashier at Target. I even got a few funny looks from the soccer mom in front of me. So for those of you who dont know about the Blood Hound Gang go check them out. But be fore warned, I find them funny as hell so you know what that means.....nasty nasty nasty nasty stuff will be involed. Lets just say they have a song called, 'Vagina' Nuff said!

Good Morning, and Happy Groundhog's Day! I like you with shorter hair, I think clean cut looking is more attractive, but that's just me.
Becky: LoL women tend to like the short hair me better haha, and what groundhog day? Is that where you have sex on the ground like a hog and give each other get well cards haha!
Shannon: Thanks to the both of you :), bloody hell pic lol
Owwwie to the scar!
and I like your old pic with the long hair!
Well happy HNT to you and happy Groundhog's day! Great pics. Ouch on that bloody pic! Eeck! Now I have to put in my vote and I love the long hair. *wink*
Normie, Steph and Kidd!
Awww, that scratch on your back wasn't so bad. I've left worse scars on the backs of men. haha
LOVE the long hair!!! I used to ONLY date guys that had long hair. They made me all squishy. :)
I'm afraid to check the pics of those nasty dudes, but the curiosity is killing me. I'm sure I'll find my way there by the end of the day.
Cherry: Come on, lok down, you know u want toooo!
VX: heheheheheehe thanks!
the_mrs: Thanks and nasty guys always know the best places to lick a girl lol.
K: get a handfull and hold on lol. I love to do that when I hit that from behind :D! oppsss did I say that ?
Wow, I like the short haired Honkie more! Don't take that the wrong way...lol ;-) You did look rather nice with the long hair too.
That gash...ack! That cd cover...uh...My zen just went out the roof. hahaha
Happy HNT sexy!
Blondie, Ceri-yall should see the fold out in the cd its even more revealing lolololololool
I'll just say this... I was in Central America for three years when I was in the army. We had a saying...
"You know you've had an interesting evening when you wake up the next morning to find a kid speaking a foriegn language playing with your toes..."
And thankfully I have no photographic evidence of that!
Aww to bad Tom, I love pics of those moments you would love to forget lol.
The shoulder wound doesn't look too bad... Still looks like it hurt, though. The brotherinlaw DOES look rather passed out. It's a good picture, but I'm with the general consensus of 'no long hair'... It's a good album. I don't like the coverart for most albums nowadays. That should cover it ;)
Nice battle wound. It doesn't look like it tickled, but you survived to fight another day. Bravo!
Wow that cut looked like it HURT!!!!!
The last picture---I could have done without... oooweeee!
Ohh the long haired look. How very Bonjoviesque of you ;)
I must say that your choice of album covers to show is hilarious. As long as you don't re-enact them in real life, it's all good.
I'll leave the long hair to you--I like my shaved head just fine (even if my picture doesn't highlight that fact).
-- david
wow! somebody show the fat guy on the cover where the nearest Subway is.
Hey nasty ;)
Cool pics! we should call them 'Honkeie style' ;)
Tell me, why did you have to cut your hair? the challenge of maintaining them was too tough for you? or for men in general? ;)
tsk tsk, wink wink.
and Oh, can I beat it too? ;)
or hit it?
alright... that last er... THING... is just sick. Kind of like crammin an elephant in a VW Bug... ::shudder:: not a pretty sight.
Damn, that dude could use a hammock for a T-back undershirt!!
I have a soft spot for long hair. My first major relationship was with your typical surfer looking dude, with long blonde hair. In fact, I can safely say that 60% of my relationships were with dudes with long hair. Can't help it. It's hott.
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