I have a test to day in skool on this book we have been reading about Elvis. Now, I have nothing agaist Elvis. He was a great guy in my book but the guy that wrote this book has to be one of the worst bio writters I have ever read. I am not saying I could do better but I have read better. Elvis did not have a boring life by any means but this book is such a drag and I really hate reading it. I am some pages behind and need to catch up a bit so soon as I am done here I am off to read. And yes I am at work blogging and doing homework, dont u wish u had my job lol!
Sorry about no HNT, I was not ready for this one and do not have anything worth sharing. I promise something better than an excuse next week.
But after reading this book about Elvis I now have a much better understanding about who he was. I am no fan of his music, dont get me wrong I do like some of his songs, but he was one hell of a guy. A real horn ball too, them young girls caused him sooo much trouble but he was the KING and we all know, "Its good to be the king!"
And hell with a face like this, it is a sure way to get them panties to drop:

He was a cutie! I don't think he made the best music but he did have the looks, I can't deny that much.
Oh crap man! That sucks. Sorry they did that to ya. I don't like having my blood drawn either.
that's annoying that the nurse screwed up and forgot to tell you. one time when i got blood taken the nurse pierced my skin wrong and left a bruise the size of a pancake on my arm.
vx: I fuck with them next time and squrit them with my blood lol.
becky: So I will take it Elvis could get your panties to drop huh?
Kidd: There has to be a better way to get it out lol.
Normie: I am so not looking forward to this test....thanks
joey: Even though they did a god job on the needle I was still left with an ugly bruise.
GOOD to hear about the doctor. I know it sucks having to get blood drawn again, but at least that all it is. :) Glad you're ok.
I don't mind having blood taken. I guess I am just strange like that.
I was never much of an Elvis fan, he totally SOLD OUT. Some of his songs sucked ass, and most of his movies are an embarrasment to mankind.
I am a Beatles girl myself.
Cherry: Yes u are werid like that lol. I not a fan of the beatles either sorry. Even though my mom used to dress me like one when i was a kid lol
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