- The wild crazy anticts of a Philly hoodlum(D)
- Lesbian/gay chat
- Super ultra conserative religous bible beaters
- Men who are hell bent on showing the world just how low and dog like we can be.
- Rednecks, and yes you can hook up the internet to a trailer.
- Self-rightous people with a God complex
- Spam LOTSSS of spam!
- Politican mummboo jumbo
- MILF....if you dont know what that is go google it and see what pops up :-D
- And my all time fav.....the everyday person pouring their heart out into the cyber world!
I love the everyday personal blog, exspecally the ones with pictures. I like reading about how other people live their day to day, its better than any soap opera on TV. Sometimes after reading some of them you soooo want to reach out and hugg these people. But no matter how bad you think your life sucks, just push the 'next blog' button and I am 100% sure you can find someone worse off than you lol.
----What strange blogs have you found?----
I totally agree. I work 9-6 today and I am not looking forward to it.
I love reading about peoples lives, interests, etc. It's definitely a good work day time passer. And...I have met some really awesome and crunk people!
The next blog button can really fuck you over though, some people have all these advertisements that will pop up on your computer, it drives me nuts.
My husband introduced blogging to me in March of this year, and he used to have this one chick, Callie is chatty, always commenting on his blog. I hate this woman!
This is why I hate her if you go down to the August 26th archive and a couple below you'll see. Now her and Chris used to get along until this happened. She is a self righteous yuppie bitch. Thus the Yuppies not welcome, on top of my site now.
I've definitely found many blogs that rubbed me the wrong way, but I like the personal ones too... The funny ones, the outrageous opinions of Timmy should definitely be read!
That other link didn't go through so well.... Let's see if this one does...
Well fuck that, if you go to his August archives you can see...
It's interesting reading.
D I totaly agre with the time killer at work. It really helps on those 16 hours days I have from time to time lol.-And yes...totally awesome!
Becky- you are a mess ...die yuppie scum! And I am sooo on my way to check you out, I mean to check out your august post, not to check you out as in the checking out like dogs do, or you know the checking out....well, ya know lol.
It was actually my husband's August post... I just re read it and it still infuriates me, the things that come out of this slut's mouth is un freaking believable! shifychris.blogspot.com
Reading blogs is the same as people watching - except inside out.
wow ...becky what a bitch she was lol. What happened to her?
She still has a blog... But doesn't get many comments, I think Diamond and Exseno still stop by it once and a while, it's so nice to see her blog with no comments on it. :-D
For some back ground on her, she's ultra-ignorant! Lives in Connecticut in the rich part, and supports her husband who is an alcoholic, and has a couple of kids, and is always judging other people. She's the most retched human being, just the thought of her makes me want to hunt her down and beat the piss out of her. She's quite the dramatic hypocrit! Anyways, fuck her that's all over with, I hope she dies a sad lonesome death, while saying the words, "nobody loves me, woe is me!"
Anyways on that note, Happy Thanksgiving! lol :-D
Video had my back! :-D
Whenever I read someones blog and they are the depressed kind and they have no comments I have to leave at least one comment. But a few times they were so off the self pitty radar I run away, there is no hope for some ppl. Its sad but if it werent for ppl with little to no self esteem the topless bars would have to use trained shaved female monkeys.
it's weird everytime i hit the next blog button I get a blog in arabic or a different language, usually arabic though.
Oh and it was reading that callie's blog and I think she is a morman, moron, moroff, morron....that religon out in Utah, you know Laterday saints ppl.
omg H.
She's jewish actually.
And just to let you know, I'm a mormon, aka LDS.
Ahhhhh, douche bags come from all walks of life I guess lol
yea they do.
I wonder if they come in differnt flavors too...strawberry douche, lemon zest with a hint of mint douche?
Judging by my smoking, swearing, and other numerous bad habits I have to say I haven't been an active church goer in many years, but I still believe in it.
p.s. Hannukah sucks, I feel bad for the Jewish kids!
Someone once told me I tasted like peaches.... but who knows? I couldn't tell you what my husband tastes like, only distinctive taste is when he sweats, ewwwww....
I just read Callieshitcat's apology to becky, who was then going by rebecaa. Her apology was alot shorter than her shit filled rant on how bad of a person you are. If an apology is to be a real one, it has to be twice the size of the reason the apoloy was warrented.
And why the fuck is 'elder of ziyon'? Sounds like something out of dungeons and dragons lmao!
Dungeons and dragons! LMAO!!
I'm Jewish.
Gurl I am Italian and German. I was raised Catholic. Some daysI feel Atheist but nah I'm not.
I am a non-practicing, smoking, cursing, catholic. (I know, I know, but it's the truth.)
That is how I was raised, catholic. And you know I just have to be so proud when every other month there is a case of a catholic priest molesting an alter boy, but I wont go there.
lol, my husband loves d and d, he's making me play it with him and his friend this weekend. He says he has a great adventure planned and I have to be a wizard. I really don't like playing that much, but I know it makes him happy.
That reminds me, when Callie first apologized I told her to stick her backward ass apology up her fucking ass! I was pissed! You shouldn't refer to yourself or make excuses in an apology either, she was obviously not very sorry. It was unbelievable that she said that about me, telling my husband to wear a condom when he had sex with me, and not have kids with me for a few years to make sure I'm worthy! ugggghhh.... The real irony of it was I have always been nice to her too, I never said one mean thing to her, I looked up to her a bit almost just b/c she was a "smart" hard working bread winning woman. Oh well, you just can't be nice to some people.
Well becky...or should I now call you peaches???? lol And whats LDS? I date a girl that was mormon for about 3 years, I totaly corupted her, she didnt start going back to temple, church, mass or whatever its called until we broke up lol. But they 'brothers' were at there house every Monday to see why she missed.....mass? I thought that was really creepy. And anytime we went to one of her functions she made me wear this ring with "CTR" on it. what is that?
Becky, *not to get into your biz-ness*
but I cannot believe she said that!!
My jaw just dropped.
Some people are so mean.
You Sinner!
I just said I feel bad for Jewish kids... Hannukah presents suck!
'CTR' stands for Choose The Right... It's like a wwjd bracelet or something, but specifically mormon/lds. LDS stands for Latter day saint, the real name of the church is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints."
I hope to get the tatto "SINNER" inked on me somewhere.....whats the point of having sin if we cannt wallow in it?
And we had congregation or would go to the temple if we were 'worthy' I only went to temple once before I became inactive.
ohhhhhhh she used to tell me it was 'corruprt the rigthous' I knew she was joking but it was like a magic d and d spell. If I had it on no one bothered me but if I forgot it they wouldnt leave me alone, they wanted me tooo JOIN them come and JOIN them....too much for me but it was fun. Overly religous ppl are fun to mess with lol.
So true, growing up in the bible belt (south carolina) as a mormon it wasn't easy. The other kids picked on me a lot and I'd just fuck with them b/c they all thought I was evil, when I was a christian just like them.
Thats why those priest didnt work on PB they were calling to the wrong invisible friend to help them...they should have called on "THE SUPER FRIENDS" and compeled the shit out PB's ass then!
The power of Christ compells you, that always makes me laugh to hear.
temple once before leaving....sounds like me at an amway meeting lol...and yes I was suckered into amway for a while lol.....not saying you were sucker into temple ...or that your suck or....oh fuck, just put both feet in my mouth and kick me in the ass!
D, PB, VX, K.D. and Becky what more could a man ask for.....vasaline anyone?
Possessed and Horny. What a combination.
And I cannt believe your husband still plays D and D. I have seen ppl play it when I was in HS but never really got it...I was to busy messin with their g/f's that didnt get it either lol. And I am not kidding on that part....once a playa always a playa! lol
That reminds me of something really mean my older brothers used to do when I was little, they would put vaseline on my bed room door knob. That was one of the many pranks, they also squirted lotion up my nose when I was sleeping one time!
I wouldn't trade those memories for the world though.
I like the old fashion ky better the self heating doesnt slide as well.....lol
I used to work at a hospital and they had these little packets of ky everywhere and I would take them and squirt them under the door handels of ppls cars and the squad cars outside the hospital. I am such an asshole lol. I hope I didnt cause anyone to get a catiter up the weewee hole with no lube because i took it all...:-X
You are so loved Honkeie look at all the comments and by chicks too!
I am working on a formula for bologna flavored KY
Oscar Meyer Bologna. I love that stuff. OMG. LOL.
mostly only chics blog and keep journals, except for maybe Jerry lol. And yes I have a journal as well, a nice leather bound one my wife got for me to take the place of the one that was stole....dont ask!
Honkie - knowing you for as long as I have, you have a feminine side to you. Maybe Saturday you could "come over the bridge" and we can get our nails done.
I used to love to suck the balogna off that red sting stuff that was on the outside of this werid meat food.
Sureeeee....I wonder if the salon gives good head. The one I go to give awesome head! And in head I mean they message your head as they wash your hair. so stop thinking nasty thoughts, I beat you to it lol
Honkie you are a mess.
It would've been dramatic, drowning by lotion up the nose!
Honkie your going to break 100 if we keep goin like this!
100 comments that is.
Hoo Ha, now there's a funny word!
I just told Jerry and Blondie to get in here! lol
I never did that before either VX.
You only live once Video, you only live once; I say go for it!
Amway is this buisness indever where you sucker ppl in to make money. Its alot more complicated than that I just dont feel like typing it out...maybe I will do an amway post some day lol.
-Words I find funny:
1) weewee
2) hoo-ha
3) sloooong
4) total fuck all ( used in a sentnce...I kicked the total fuck all out of that table and broke my toe....)
I say go for it too!
I never was in a 3some before either.... I'd try it if I weren't married now.... lol
Shit, if you're intrigued just go with it, have a few drinks and do it! I went over the bridge one night when I was drunk but it was my best friend Kelly. Looking back I wish I'd have held out for a better looking chick, lol. It wasn't for me though, I'm glad I tried it though.
D's beaver is in constant survilence.... :-D
Haaaaaaaaaa! VX your nuts!
PB's Beaver has gone wild.
Damn, ya'll are talking about girl on girl?
The most I've done is kiss/make out a bit for free drinks.
And if you did do the 2 girls and one guy, what would you do if her hoo-ha ends up on your face?
Blondie there you are!! sup gurl!!! Damn I never even went that far. NEVER!
I would try it though if I had enough thug passions and hennessy in me.
They say statistically 90% of women are turned on by same sex relations.... But most of us suppress it and pretend it doesn't turn us on when we're really thinking about it when we're getting it on....
I'm glad my husband went on my computer and found the welivetogether.com website... Now we share everything!
"over the bridge" now has a new meaning to me :-D
I would have to be really drunk to actually get naked...other than skinny dipping.
ITs too funny to me... I could care less about being naked in front of my gf's in a normal setting. We even skinny dip together...but if it were under a sexual pretense... I'd freak the fuck out probably. lol
I just... I dunno, I like men too much. haha
Yall are nuts.
Me too. I just love me to much. And I dont descriminate, bring onthe white men, black men, Puerto Rican, Mexican, I had a chinese guy once and an indian guy (just saying love all men)
I only speak the truth. I love my husband and enjoy being with him, but I just have that curious side....
Good god...hey D give me your address so I can look it up on this sattelite thing here at work lol. Cyber spy/stalker lol
Don't toy with my emotions.
D!! You have another stalker now!!!
Damn, I'm going to lose to a man!
That was what freaked me out too X, a beaver in the face isn't appealing! A cock however, let's just say your breathe would smell much better with a cock!
I have a curious side....curious about seeing someone naked........... ;-)
Man, I am sooo glad my desk is a high one lol.
And you have to be ready for the "queen me" it might even be an accident but it might happen. I know I would be totally turned off is some dudes hairy kiwi touch me at any point in the 2 way hole plugger.
I gotta go, I get out of work early today! :-P Talk to ya's later! Quite an entertaining pastime for the office! :-D
I am going to lunch, be back at 2 pm. I am here till 6 pm today (blah)
Bye Becky!!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Okay PB, HONKIE and VX we will meet back here in an hour or so! lol
Im out to lunch.
I am sooo going to need to visit the bathroom soon lol...tanks PB just watch the teeth..
-Have fun becky! Cum back soon
yeah I need some food too...but I will be back soon...VX I got a phone if the offer is still on the table ;-)
Hey VX give us your #, we can totally do the confrence call blog lol.
LOL....A phone that warrents head lol.
Maybe we all can get on the same phone plan and chat the hell out of each other lol.
y'all 2 have fun now!
Get a camera phone blog of VX's 3 some....I be looking for the "Crowning" momment lol.
you do that!
lol....maybe you could be the 3 person there hmmmmmthe visuals the visuals lol
I think I seriously need to start drinking after reading all this...haha Its barely 1pm... The visuals in MY head are starting to get really out of hand...haha
No thanks!
I could go for an apple martini.
Hell I have a xxx movie going in mine head all the time, but today its a freakin double feature lol.
In your profile pic you look like DOnnie Wahlberg from the New kids on the Block, back in the day.
really...thats a new one...thanks..I usually get 'Ben Affleck' lol...
and PB you are not helping the fact I have a nasty visual of you and some priest lol.
PB and the Priest from Scary Movie 2...hahahaha
Do you get PB excited by reciting "Beaver Juice...Beaver Juice...Beaver Juice"... haha
Now I have freakign Beatle Juice songs in my head, a visual thats horridly disturbing and also stop laughing that Honkeie might have to go use the exec bathroom to rub one off!! haha
*beaver juice, beaver juice beaver juice*
and PB appears in her pink night gown ready for action.
I think I'll skip the martini glass and just chug the vodka...
Oh Boy here we go.
Someone let the Beaver out of the bag.
PB you heffer!
I am going to have to delete alot of this later...exspecally this...The first time I fondled my ex.... we were at this church lock-in thing for this youth thing she was in and we ended up sleeping next to each other up behind the alter. I kept looking up at that huge cross thinging ' oh yeah you know its good!'Memories...oh the memoriessss
jello cum shooters...get'm while they're warm!!!!
H, You better go to confession!
Jello-Gizz-Fizz shooters for VX then!
Ha Jerry!!!
VX - (PB) She is an important part of me too!
I am a chubby chaser...likem round..back dat ass up....i..like big butts and I can not lie....she swallowed it, its ok just dont bite it....I beat that bitch with a bat I beat that bitch with a bat.....lines from some good songs lol.
get out get out get out get out!
Niggas wit attitude,
loved em!
If I went to confession I wouldnt make past those water bowl. I burst into flames lol
Anybody hurd da old RunDmc christmass rap?
Man I sued to listen to all that shit, NWA Easy E , Luke Skywalker lol ahhaha
oh well...lol its funny
anyone remeber when IceT was a rocking rapper back in the 80/90's
wasnt he the one who did 'cop killer'
OMG... haha I have digital underground music in my head now too...hahaha
Freaks of the Industry...
THat should be this thread's theme song!! hahaha
Cum on do me baby, do the humpty hump do the humpty hump,
Now there is a song that will stay with you for days!
Dooo me babeee....
haha now that song is stuck...
I'm testing to see if I can comment...
I was seeing if I was froze out too.
PB & Danielle are.
About that song...
A. take the time to find a condom,
B. walk right over and you pound em
C. tell her that you want her love,
well the answer is D. all of the above
I am out, cum by tommorow
LOL, it might be tame Heather but its full or real life drama. And I am 21 and holding fast, and will never let go!
ok first off i was like ok yeh I will say 'I wonder where I fit in to that list' then I read some comments and was like oh yeh one guy told me I tasted like cotton candy and then they just kept going lol and then I realized after reading them all why I love you all so much cause you are just as fucked as me and then I read the time stamps and wondered wtf you all were doing lmfao :P
Excellent, love it!
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