-The little man is well into his terrible 2's and did not go to sleep until 1230 last night. It is almost like he cannt go to sleep unitl he has had his little booty tanned a few times.
" But daddieeee I didnt get my nightly whoopin, how am I supposed to sleep?"
And now that the diapers are getting fewer and fewer hand to ass is making alot more contact, but the funny thing is that it doesnt seem to phase him in any way. He breaks a christmass bulb on the tree, mommy paddles his little biscuts and stands him in the corner. As soon as we kiss him and tell him what he did wrong, he even agrees with us it was wrong, what does he do??? What does he do??!! He does it again!!!!
-But I do have hope for him, Bill Cosby told us all children have brain damage and not to fret over it. It will get better, but not until about the age of 25. That age will only apply to those children that have been treated like we were as kids......remeber....." Well , that'll learnem!" Remeber those words? Those were the kinds things I heard as a kid when I did something stupid and got hurt, and sometimes it even followed with a beating. Tough love does work, try to protect them from everything (including themselves) and they wont be out of the " Brain Damage" years until they hit 40 or so. I fear my ex is doing this to my oldest, but I do have hope for him. He is just as destructive and violent as I was when I was his age. So the apron strings might be there but this killem all attitude might be his saving grace lol. He loves killing bugs and playing army man, thats my boy! hehehehe. The youngest is on his way to be about the same to, he uses the wives toe nail clippers as his gun, not sure where he got that from. He hasnt seen anything violent, unless Nemo is considered violent lol. But if this trend keeps up we might end up with this:

Happy Tuesday, I hope someone got as much as a giggle out of that as I did. And for those of us out there tryin to raise kids just remeber in the end its up to you to be the best you can be. No book or orginiaztion can tell you how to raise your kids. And if they think there 2 cents is worth anymore than that I will sic my 2 year old on them with a wiffle ball bat. Its call " Bleeding Heart Baseball" and you get a home run for every unwashed, over the hill, tree hugging, save all the animals but the humans hippie you hit in the balls!
Happy Tuesday.
I'm here, just coughen up a lung.
Thats about it.
Throat spray in one hand smoke in the other , been there. Love the story about the homeless guy, I think I need to go help someone now. " Save the Humans"
nuttin wrong with a little tough love on the kiddos these days!
and-- Hilarious picture!
no more smoking for me, I quit.
as of thanksgiving.....
Steph- kids that dont get the tough love become weak, and cannt make jokes about the beats they got as kids lol.
The_Mrs.- I am glad I am one of your addictions :-D. And as Ms. Doubtfire said," Are your kids well behaved or do they need a few light slams now and again?"
D -Give them nasty things up, spend that money on something else...like a vacation :-D
Haha, loved the Beavis and Butthead version of Bush/Cheney.
That mofo, Bush, is in Denver today. I should sooooooo be one of the protesters (that is about 12 blocks away from where I work).
Next time he comes to Denver, I am soooo there. Rotten eggs, a GWB doll in a noose and MUCHO nasty signs.
Sorry for my rant. :)
Now that is a great picture!
hahaaah CHERRY re: bush, the president that is.
PB is switch hits...it's just how she is...she can't help it.
whooohooo PB show dem pinkies!
Happy Tuesday darlin... sounds like a typical little 2 year old to me.
I used to feel so guilty when I punished Ashley, all my siblings said I was being mean (their kids are so bad they got banned from chuckie cheese) but I have a straight A 6th grader who is doing pretty darn good :o)
I am not the religous type but....fore go the rod and fore go the child....take it as you will but ppl that dont use some kinda of disipline usually get kids that have more problems than the ones that got there ass beat so bad they blacked a few of them out of memeory(ME) lol
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