Baby's mind after the attack:
"The mommy person brought me to the man in white and he stole my soul with his daggers of flith and pain! Oh the agony, oh the pain and all I can say is WWWWWAAAAA! I am so going to keep thier ass awake tonight for this indignity!"
After she brought him home he had this look of 'touch my booboo and I will kill you' on his face.
But after a while he was back to normal, he did have a little problem but it was only a small screaming fit but some boobage helped sooth the savage beast. Just like a man, give him a little titty and everything becomes right with the world.
I dyed my hair last night. I was hoping for a lighter sade than what I got, you cannt really even tell I did anything. It looks redder, that is for sure but nothing as earth-shattering as I was hoping for. I will probably do it again soon to get a lighter color, nothing too drastic but enuff to get a little attention.....yes I AM AN ATTENTION WHORE!!!!! SOOO LOOK AT ME DAMNIT!
Speaking of looking at me and all my glory I present to you a picture that the wife took of me and cheese.
Hmmmm taste like chicken, werid I know.....

I have a few left over halloween pics I got off the sister-in-law's camera. Cheese was dressed up as a duck but only a few ppl got to see because it was a little to cold to go out with him.

And since it is HNT I thought I would give you a pic of the wife unit. Can you tell which body part I noticed firt? I love dis woman......could not get any more woman than this!

I was already a little drunk when this picture was taken. Now that means I was acting like a jackass, hince the face I was making here. But the outfit and the state of mind went well with my costume haha!
and p.s. That is not my gut! I was wearing a fat suit I bought of some Ebay halloween store.

And in light of what has been going on these days and the up cumming holiday I had to post this old pic. I am sure most of those who troll through the internet like I do have seen this picture enuff time to make you sick, mainly because the damn bird didnt peck off his pecker. Butttttttt with all the Democrates in power now.....its just about as close as we can get to that wish hahahahahahaha.

Gooble Gooble Gooble.....any one want to take a guess to what kind of gravey they served with this bird?
ohhh I hated taking Ash for her shots...always made me cry when she cried lol yes I am a dork just can't help it...I hope the little man gets better soon, my daughter has been fighting a chest cold on and off for weeks, it sucks to see your little ones sick and not be able to fix it for them...the halloween pictures are cool, your wife looked gorgeous :o)
carie: Sickness is such a pain in the ass. I will tell the wife shes hot for ya lol.
MrF: Well its like most things in this world: It is only illegal or wrong if you get caught doing it by the religous right.
If it feels good do what nike says and JUST DO IT!
Pretty good, for a self-dye job...that turkey, watching the election results, probably got a little gallows yuk....I dunno, I don't want to trade places with him, or anything...
May I say, Stop trying to eat the damn baby! What the hell did Cheese do to you!?
And I don't think your wife really needs to wear a corsette! I say this out of total jealousy and hate for her abundance of boobs! Then again they're prolly full of milk right now too.
I know you nicknamed the little one Cheese but still... DON'T EAT THE BABY PLEASE.
You and your family look wonderful. I am completely jealous of the wife unit. She looks fantastic! Just so you don't feel left out, the dye job is pretty good.
zen: it has gotten lighter, I will get a pic of it soon.
becky: there is nothing wrong with small titties....big or small I lovem all ;-)
glitter:But he taste soo yummy!
You dyed your hair and you're in law enforcement?
I may have trouble falling asleep tonight. ;)
That top photo is priceless. Looks like you could eat a Whopper or a Double Big Mac in one bite. Is that REALLY a fat suit?
heather: Thanks, you need to get some pics up on your blog now ;-)And the babies are all doing much better..thanks
dan: Yes and it isnt like I was going for blue or anything lol. And besides punk rockers can be good cops too lol
martini: Yes I can put an entire bigmac in my mouth....and yes that is a fat suit....I pray to never look like that in real life!
I so totally checked out your wives massive set of...
Yeppers...that's the story I'm going with.
I've been watching a Spongebob marathon for almost 24 hours....
Well I guess that is where you get your boob fetish from..ummmm moving onnnnnnn...
Hope the baby is well. =)
bong: Yeah arent they huge?
morbid: i was watching the Beavis and Butthead marathon on MTV on Saturday.
cinderalla: u guessed tit!
Pepsi: I dont like pepsi, you tried to set micheal jackson on fire back in the 80's.
Being a busty girl myself, I tend to take note of my sisters in similar bras...but OMG...your wife has quite the rack. I feel positively small next to her...I love that feeling!
What they don't tell you is, the turkey was looking for BALLS...and there weren't any!
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