One of my favorite web sites that I read at work is TheSmokingGun, it only updates when someone gets in trouble for something worth a laugh at. Which can be alot some days while other days there is nothing worth reading. They have actual legal documents of things like K-Fed's pre nup with used and abused Brittnay ( I'd still do her), storys of who is getting sued for what-Greyhound getting sued for dumping thier contents of a bus potty onto a family, celeberties getting nabbed for anything and everything-Snoop Dog getting arrested in an air port for having a collapsible baton in his bags. I didnt know it was illegal to carry a stick around with you, what did they think the man that made the saying,'You dont love me you just love my doggie style' was going to hijack a plane with a stick? But my favorite thing to find on my daily visit is mug shots. I often wonder if I had to have a mug shot done what kind of face would I make? But what ever mine would be it would never come near to some of these assholes:
1) I wonder what kind of job he can get after he gets out?

2) Anyone rember her:
3)Why do all of my idols have mug shots?
4) I rest my case
5) And 'The Original' bad boy.....Mr. Johnny Cash!
6) If you know who this is give yourself 10 points and if you can guess what he was arrested for add another 10......wait, forget that last part. If you know who he is the odds are what he got arrested for is a real no brainer.
Its SteveO from Jackass and he was arrest for exposing himslef as he stapled his nutt sack to his thigh at a night club in Louisiana. God I love people that will mutilate themselves for my amusement!
7) One more mug, no one can do a post about famous mug shots and not put up the first Manson, Charles Manson that is!
On a different note, I was listening to Oppy and Anthony this moring. Well actually I was just surfing throught the stations and I heard the words 'tits' and stopped to listen. Apparently today is something called WhipThem Out Wednesday or AKA- WOW. I have known about this for sometime but never heard it given a name like that. Basiclly today is the day women flash thier tits to anyone who has a WOW bumper sticker on thier car. If all I had to do to get a titty show was put a sticker on my car I would have it painted on my car damn tit!
Wellllll, have a good Wednesday and dont forget to show a little love to passing motorist, women only please!
Tat boy is quite the looker!
Just another insane driving in Jersey, huh?
You've got a great job Honkeie and the last week or so has seen you come up with some great material. Keep it up.
What if the WOW sticker on your car stands for World of Warcraft?
I knew it was Steve-O! He's my fave, fucking hillariously stupid! Did you see Jackass 2 yet? Good stuff!
sassy: You got it!
hammy: Thanks and will do :-)
morbid: as long as it gets women to flash I can stand for what ever you want tit to.
mr.fab: get going then ;-)
becky: I have not but I plan to very soon!
Different strokes for different folks..haha
Poor thing, she passed away, I shouldn't laugh.
Funny post though.
Answer to 1):
I'm not sure how you missed it. After the election a couple weeks ago he was named the new Chairman of the Republican Party.
Kilroy Was Here!
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