It isnt a true HNT but more like a Head Shot Thursday. I have a couple of pics one of the master of the titty and one of me at work 8 hours into my 16 hour work shift. I have two people out in my job, one for about a week on a family emergency in NM and the other one on medical leave for about 2 weeks. What makes it a little fucked up is they work the same shift and its the midnight shift. No one like that shift so it is kinda hard to get coverage for it at times. I might end up working it again tonight, its all overtime but it still sucks. I am so tired right now, I got sleep yesterday but no matter how much sleep one gets an over night shift really fucks with ya. To help pass some time I brought a carribean cigar, its honey vanilla. I have spent most of the nigh just chewing on it. I have yet to light and as a matter of fact I have it my mouth as we speak lol. It taste like vanilla hmmmm I wonder if they have choclate flavor ones???
But here are the pics, now these are all G rated no nakies today sorry. :-P

"Does anyone know where to get Monica flavored cigars?"

I went to one of fav web sites today...photobucket and searched 'hnt' and here is what I found...
1) Very nice butt hmmmmm.......

2) Ahhhh I am blind!

3) Getting better :-D

Now if these pics happen to belong to anyone visiting let me know and I will take it down. But you put your face out on the net be ready for some criticism and theft lol.
But I am off to spend my day in a haze, lack of sleep does not help my horney levels though. The less sleep I get the worse I get.......if that is even possible at this point.
I just change my little picture thingie to something I found on photobucket. I thought it was funny and I am hoping it will offened someone.....lets see haha...
Okay, that guy looks like he has a can of tennis balls down his pants. I also found HNT to be more of headshots than anything else lately. No more body parts to show anymore!
That baby is adorable!
First time on your blog---cute post! I hope no one yells at ya for having their nekkidness on your blog! (ha)
deb: thanks for stopping by, stop by often I am such a comment whore. Maybe next week I will do a better hnt pic lol.
OMG Honkeie! I am so offended by your new pic!
Haven't you seen South Park? Only fags can say Fag!
I just said fag didn't I?
special: well when I say 'fag' I am using it like the British use it. Fag as in cigerette hahahaha. But I am not gay but I do have very metro ways ;-)
normie: I am bit of pirate sometimes. I like to bury me treasure in your bootie!
As a matter of fact, they do make chocolate (or chocolate-esque) cigars. A guy I know smokes nothing but unusually flavored cigars. The last two kinds he had were Kahlua flavored and mint-chip flavored. The tins they came in smelled somewhat like chocolate, but the cigars themselves smelled like backwoods cigars--the cheap cigars that look like they were rolled by arthritic carnies with learning disabilities.
nice post.
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