She was having very painfull contractions all night so at 0500 Thursday morning we headed over to the hospital. We got in the room about 0520 and gave birth at 1015, now that must be some kind of record I think lol.
My wife did a great job and was such a great pusher....umm...yeah I am going to go with it. She did 4 set of 3 pushes at 10 seconds each. Soooo that equal about 120 seconds of pushing in all to pop out baby #2, and yes if I failed to mention it, I is a boy!
I took a shit load of pics most of which I am not about to post because they are rather nasty, I am sorry but birth is a rather gooey process, that is putting it nicely haha. So here are some of the pics that will make most ppl go "Ohhhh" and "Ahhhh" instead of " Oh that is just nasty" and " Wow, after that I am thinking about adopting"
Mommy and baby..

Daddy and baby..

(Ben Affleck's double came in for a pose haha)
And baby, he scratched himself a bit. He was born with some pointed nials, I hope that is not some kind of prelude to a life of fashion and makeup. But hey if it worked for Dee Snyder it can work for anyone.

I have some more but blogger is being a bitch at the moment and this is precious time I could be sleeping haha. So I will try again later to upload more. There will be more, you have been warned!
Onya Honkeie and Mrs Honkeie. Congrats. All's well that ends well. You're still 18 years from the end though.
ahhhhhh he is so damn cute :o) I am sooo happy for you guys :o) I thinked I have checked 10 times a day everyday waiting for this lol CONGRATS!!!!!
Congrats congrats congrats!!! He is so adorable, and I think he looks just like you!
I'm glad he is finally here and you can hold him and enjoy him. <3
I was just like Carie. The suspense was killing me.
Congrats to the happy family. I am glad everyone is doing well (albeit sleep deprived).
The little man looks just like you. However, I am curious. Does he have a name?
CONGRATS!!!!! He's adorable!!!
YAY! Congrats to you and your family! He is a cutie pie! So sweet! I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well. I can't wait to see more pictures!
Congratulations! I'm sorry I was late. May the young one have many years of good health and all of you share in much happiness. You must be very proud, aside form 10 fingers and toes, he is a beautiful {should that be handsome?} baby.
Congrats on the new one. He's adorable. I agree, the birthing process is nasty, but it's interesting, too. Like a car accident, you just have to look. We took some nasty pics of my boy being born, even video taped it. We didn't get to do that with the girl, emergancy c-section. Anyway, congrats, again. Enjoy them now, because when they become teenager, oye!
Thanks everyone for all of the support. I promise not to make this a baby picture blog, I am not that corny lol.
Oh my gosh!!! CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! I think he looks exactly like your first son. So happy for you!!!
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