Here is a picture I took from the front steps of my job. Doesn't everything look so clean when covered in snow......notice I said 'looks'
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About Me
- honkeie
- I live in the state of constant confusion. Its the state colored blue on the map. And yes I can find any place on the globe, its all color cordinated! (duh)Asia is pink, England is green and France ....well France felt they were soo much better than everone else they have become their own planet.
Monday, December 22, 2008
First snow 2008
Here is a picture I took from the front steps of my job. Doesn't everything look so clean when covered in snow......notice I said 'looks'
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
God Damn Mother Fucking Peice of Shit....
Ok I am over it so let me see if I can post my original blog about my evening out with just myself and the wife.
Last Friday night we went to a fancy restaurant in Rosselle Park, NJ called Solar Do Minho. Some high class Portuguese restaurant that my wife had been to with some co-workers a few months back. It was a little fancier than the places I am used to, what the fuck do you need so many spoons and forks for? Does your salad know you are stabbing it with the wrong utensil or something? But any way, I can have class when I want to; so I put on my best 'I am rich so serve me you bitch' face on and went out.
The decor in the place was very nice, and if I ever win the lottery I am going to have my house done up like this. But with a little bit more of a Tim Burton flare I think.

At the table we were at they had the wall to the kitchen done in a manner so one could watch the little people at work. I am sorry, but when I am out playing Mr. Monopoly I do not want to see the workers sweating on my meal! I know it happens but I don't want to see how the good salt is added to spice things up!

The wife wanted me to smile like a normal person for the camera, I was somewhat successful with this one:

The food here was so-so in my book. Way over priced for something I could have gotten better at a Red Lobster, and they have buffalo wings at Red Lobster!

I had a chocolate and raspberry mouse served in a chocolate bowl with some artsy fartsy design on it. It took all of my power not to pick up the plate and lick it, hell if I am paying for it I am eating it!(7.50)
He took to this thing faster than a blind politician bitching about 'seeing' an SNL skit about him. I mean he knew how to work the mouse, how to get to games and everything. I am not sure but I think kinds now can learn by osmosis!
This is part of the reason I keep up with what goes on around us, so I can keep in the know with what my kids know. I am not saying I am going to be the dad trying to speak to my son in his slang of the day but I also don't want to be like my ex. And not know about some of the simple things that make up her sons world. Like not knowing what Emo is, she really did not know but our 12 year old son sure knows. He is not emo but it is part of his little world.
- Emo
- Text Language: LOL, STFU, BFF, WTF, ROTFL
- The Shocker, The Rocker or even The Spocker
- Twilight
- Tweaking
- Shoes, as having to deal with cars
- Youtube
- Parkour
- Myspace,Facebook,Tweeter,Stickam or even Friendster
- WoW, as in the game.....
For each one you know give yourself 2 points, for everyone you dont know take away one point.
If you scored a 20 the odds are you know a few more than me so please dont make fun of me for using old fads or words.
If you got at lest 17 points not bad but I think you need to spend more time at the mall listing to young girls talk. But dont be to obvious about it, you might end up on a soon-to-be-sex-offenders watch list.
And anything less that that you might need to got to and look up some of these. Because the odds are you son has given you the shocker in just about every photo you have taken of him. One more thing.......if you dont know what myspace is go stand infront of a slow moving train and just die. Because you are so far behind the curve we are about to lap you!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday and pictures......

Here is a random chow line picture. If the floor was a little more polished this might have been a really interesting picture haha!

Here we have the happy couple. More proof of why I am off the junk, look at my face! I am starting to look like John Travolta! And not the sexy Grease Travolta, more like the bloated crazy looking Pulp Fiction Travolta!

This is the wife unit and her boss. My wife says I have a crush on her, dude she's hot what can I say. My wife even used to joke about me going to see my 'girlfriend' whenever I would go to her old branch. They work in banking....ssshhhh......I cannt say which one because I dont want this info to get out there! But as far as saying I have a crush on her is a bit much, Hell I have a crush on any milf that comes in eye shot of me for crying out loud! And that includes women in blogspher ;)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Just a fast funny:
your educational emails over the past year.
Thanks to you, I no longer open a public bathroom door without using a paper towel.
I can't use the remote in a hotel room because I don't know what the last person was doing while flipping through the channels.
I can't sit down on the hotel bedspread because I can only imagine what has happened on it since it was last washed.
I can't enjoy lemon slices in my tea or on my seafood anymore because lemon peels have been found to contain all kinds of nasty germs including feces.
I have trouble shaking hands with someone who has been driving because the number one pastime while driving alone is picking your nose.
Eating a Little Debbie sends me on a guilt trip because I can only imagine how many gallons of trans fats I have consumed over the years.
I can't touch any woman's purse for fear she has placed it on the floor of a public bathroom.
I must send my special thanks to whoever sent me the one about poop in the glue on envelopes because I now have to use a wet sponge with every envelope that needs sealing.
Also, now I have to scrub the top of every can I open for the same reason.
I no longer have any savings because I gave it to a sick girl (Penny Brown) who is about to die in the hospital for the 1,387,258th time.
I no longer have any money at all, but that will change once I receive the $15,000 that Bill Gates/Microsoft and AOL are sending me for participating in their special e-mail program .
I no longer worry about my soul because I have 363,214 angels looking out for me, and St.Theresa's novena has granted my every wish.
I no longer eat KFC because their chickens are actually horrible mutant freaks with no eyes or feathers.
I no longer use cancer-causing deodorants even though I smell like a water buffalo on a hot day.
Thanks to you, I have learned that my prayers only get answered if I forward an e-mail to seven of my friends and make a wish within five minutes.
Because of your concern I no longer drink Coca Cola because it can remove toilet stains.
I no longer can buy gasoline without taking someone along to watch the car so a serial killer won't crawl in my back seat when I'm pumping gas.
I no longer drink Pepsi or Dr Pepper since the people who make these products are atheists who refuse to put 'Under God' on their cans.
I no longer use Saran wrap in the microwave because it causes cancer.
And thanks for letting me know I can't boil a cup of water in the microwave anymore because it will blow up in my face...disfiguring me for life.
I no longer check the coin return on pay phones because I could be pricked with a needle infected with AIDS.
I no longer go to shopping malls because someone will drug me with a perfume sample and rob me.
I no longer receive packages from UPS or FedEx since they are actually Al Qaeda in disguise.
I no longer shop at Target since they are French and don't support our American troops or the Salvation Army.
I no longer answer the phone because someone will ask me to dial a number for or which I will get a phone bill with calls to Jamaica , Uganda , Singapore and Uzbekistan .
I no longer buy expensive cookies from Neiman-Marcus since I now have their recipe.
Thanks to you, I can't use anyone's toilet but mine because a big brown African spider is lurking under the seat to cause me instant death when it bites my butt.
And thanks to your great advice, I can't ever pick up $5.00 dropped in the parking lot because it probably was placed there by a rapist waiting underneath my car to grab my leg.
If you don't send this e-mail to at least 144,000 people in the next 70 minutes, a large dove with diarrhea will land on your head at 5:00 PM this afternoon and the fleas from 12 camels will infest your back, causing you to grow a hairy hump. I know this will occur because it actually happened to a friend of my next door neighbor's ex-mother-in-law's second husband's cousin's beautician...
Have a wonderful day.....
Monday, December 08, 2008
Weekend Round Up....
We had a birthday party to go to at the same roller skating rink we went to last time. Roller Rink Take One. The kids had a ball, just this time I did not put on skates. I wanted to but our little monster was acting up more than usual. And then we got skates on the little monster and he was off. I was suprised at how well he did on them!

He did need a little help but for the most part he was on his own.

Later that night was the MSI (Mindless Self Indulgnence) concert @ the Starland Ballroom. We left a little late and missed the opening act TubRing, no biggie. We did get to see Leathermouth play, I have never heard of them but they did a pretty good set. The sound at the Starland is amazing. Most places like this have the shittest sound, loud and louder. But some how here they were able to keep it loud but still keep the quality clear.
I had the plan to drink a few on the way but being that we were running late I just left it alone. I do regret that decision first two drinks were redbull and vodka, guess how much they were?!?!
$10 each!!!!!!!!! I almost sent them back....almost. So from then on out it was Bud Light, which was still a bit much but at $5 a glass sure beat 10!!!!!!! That killed my buzz a little but I kind of knew that was going to happen so it wasnt to bad. The second down side was that I left my camera in the car thinking that they would not allow them in, and upon entering I saw tons of people with cameras. I was bummed about that but then I thought about the idea of it getting smashed in what was to be the 'Punk Press for the Front'
You see there were no seats, only an open floor from the back of the room to the stage. And if anyone has ever been to a concert like that you will know the joy of having the shit pressed out of you by some dude behind you and some dude in front of you. But with a little bit of luck you might get a chick or two, to squish you instead.
As the second act came on we went to the 'Parents Play Pen' aka, the bar. To drink you had to show ID and they gave you a green braclet. This braclet got you into the drinking area, which to my mirth was full of old people. I knew that MSI has a large fan base but I never imagined they would have been this old. But after hanging around there while getting my drink on; I started to notice that they were not even looking at the stage. They seemed to be looking over the crowd all the time. Then it hit me! I am surrounded by moms and dads that brought their kids to the show. And from the looks of them jr. will be driving home with his learners permit.
After Leathermouth did there thing and the set up for MSI started I dove head first into the Sea of Sweat and Human Flesh.
Please for the love of all that is not stinky, if you are going to a concert put on deodorant; two layers thick!
I am 6'1 and as most of you know now, I weigh in at 221 lbs. And as much as I dislike the idea of weighing that much it sure comes in handy when parting the sea of young punks and posers alike. And the fact my beer muscles were in full tilt, no one was safe. The funniest part was the moment I stepped onto the floor I knew where I was going and I had my 18 hole miliarty shit kickers on to get me there. And as I made my way through I over heard some guys say, 'How the hell are we going to get through this? Oh wait never mind follow that guy!' Meaning me, I am not sure where they ended up but I got one body away from the stage.
The moment they stepped out on the stage until the lights came on, it wasnt about dancing or moshing, it was about survival! I was hoping to a black eye but all I got was a foot to the back of the head, numerous elbow shots to the ribs and some skinny blonde chick landing right on my head. Being this close to the stage one must be a little resonsible for those who are smaller and weaker than oneself. There were numerous times when we had to lift people out that could no longer hack it. There were a few moments that I thought I was going to give in as well but I wanted to see them up close so I fought on.
As the show worn on the pressing got tighter and the bouncing got faster. One would think having chicks bodies pressed onto would have been a huge turn on....but when you are fighting to stay on your feet, military pressing crowd surfers to the security and trying to inch that much closer to the stage the sexual aspect of it all kind of takes a back seat. Now I am not saying I didnt enjoy having some strange girls boobs pressed into my back or the one blonde crowd surfer's rear on my head enjoyable, it would have been more appriciated if I wasnt using every muscle to keep my space clear.
I know most people reading this think I am some dirty pervet with no principles but you are wrong.....well not on the dirty pervet part but on the principles part you are! As I jumped and grinded along with the crowd I noticed a tuft of hair poking out from about nipple hieght. The show was about 2 songs away from the end when I noticed this, so put my right fist in my left palm and locked my elbows out and gave a huge shove. And to my amazement there was this little girl right in front of me! I have no idea how long she had been there and in honesty I never even looked down until then. But even though she was being crushed to almost death she showed no signs of distress, so I did my best at keeping her from the cluster fuck of humans we were facing. I did the same thing with my arms but this time left the middle open for her, now she could see the show and even take some pictures without having someones crotch or knee in her face. I kind of wish I gave her my email addrress for some pictures. I am still pissed about not having my camera but I know if I had my camera it would have probably gotten fucked up some how.
After the show was over she did thank me, and I swear she was about 14!!!!!And she could not have weighed more the 100lbs soaking wet. I tip my hat to her for fighting her way up there and never asking to be lifted out! And even with all the pushing and the shoving I saw no fights, no one was arrested, hell I did not seen see any cops there. No one pulled a gun, no weeves got pulled out and fighting that did happen was done with a smile; and this is why I love punks. You have to love a person that can take a boot to the face and be happy about it!
I took this pictur of me at the end of the night. I was sore all over, I wish there was an exercise itmachine called the 'Mosh Pit' It works every single muscle in shot!

These are my punk/goth pants that I got at Hot Topic at Trash Gardens mall, aka Jersey gardens. The pink hankie was something I beat a bunch of skinny, limp wristed want to Emo punks for. I am not sure if it belonged to the singer but he did through it out to the crowd.

Sunday: Was our day of rest. We bought our 24' family pie from Big Apple Pizza in Kenilworth, NJ. They also feature world famous Cluck-U Chicken! They used to have Fire Atomic Nuclear sauce that to get you had to sign a waver! I always wanted to try it but now its too late, they no longer offer it.

We also tried to get the kids in a Xmass themed picture but as you can see these were the best, we got.
Try #1:

Try # 2:

This is not the end of that battle. I think next time we will tie candy to a string and dangle it over the camera. Candy always makes children smile!
Friday, December 05, 2008
What do you watch.....
'Whats the matter with you numb nuts didnt mommy and daddy give you enough attention as a child!'
That movie is full of awesome one liners!
'I bet if there was some pussy up there you could get up there!'
'You climb like old people fuck!'
'This is my rifle this is my gun (insert crotch grab), this one is for shooting this one is for fun (insert another crotch grab)'
'Before I gouge out your eyes and skull fuck you'
I could go on but those who have seen this movie know all to well that the only part of the movie really worth watching is the first half. I almost makes me want to join the Marines....almost.
But last night I got on the other tourture device I am going to call Mr. Pain, I put on the best motivator for guys...300!
I even went 15 minutes and, according to the screen, burned 230 calories. I am not sure how accurate that is but when I got off my legs were all rubbery. Now, the funny part about last night exercise is the cramp I got in my abs! I have had cramps all over my body before in just about every place a muscle exisist, but my abs has to be a first. After I hoped off of Mr. Pain I layed down and did 20 crunches, and then after a short rest I tried to do some more. But something went wrong, the upper part of my abs suddenly spazed and locked up! I could not breath or make a sound any louder than a low grunt. The pain sent stars and tears to my eyes. It must have been a site to see if anyone was watching, because I was scooting on my back across the floor. I could even breath for about 30 seconds, and if you dont think that is long try it now. And no taking a deep breath before starting the could either!
I hope to continue this during this week......side note: I started this post on Friday and it is now Monday. I will have another post coming up about my weekend at the roller skating rink and the awsomeness that is MSI @ the Starland Ballroom.
Radom thought for the day-
Is this Irony:
Jesus was a jewish carpanter who died being nailed to a wooden cross?
Thursday, December 04, 2008
This means WAR......

Push ups 12 reps
Tricep extentions 15 rep with 25 lbs dumbell
Seated back row 12 reps with 25 lbs dumbell
Seat curl 12 reps with 25 lbs dumbell
Seat should press 12 reps with 25 lbs dumbell
Deep bend squats, no extra weight
I did that 3 times and called it quits. I know I could have done more but this is my first day back in almost 3 months. Tonight I am going to hop on my eliptical machine, not sure for how long I will aim for at least 10 minutes but will press for more. I do not want to become a fat body, but with the way i have been treating myself I am on the road to doughboy!
It is frustration to know that if I never stopped I would be well beyond my goal but the fact is I did. And now I have to start over....again. I have started over so many time it makes me want to punch myself in the nuts. But I guess starting over is better than just giving up and never trying. I have read many come back stories at this site I used to use to help me keep in shape this past summer. I think my profile might still be there, I plan on going there later to night and taking a look. If it is or even if it isnt I am going to start that up again. Another distraction from work but at least it is for a good vanity and health. I mean I am glad it is getting cold and that wearing big cloths is the style. I would not take my shirt off outside my house at this time. I am going hardcore here, all the junk food is gone. No more beer, if I do drink it will be straight hard liquor. Even though that really should be cut out as well, we'll see on that one lol.
I have all the tools to build an awesome body now all I have to do is dust them off and get back on. Because we all know summer is only 5 months away. That is enough time to get into shape or to become one!
On a different note here are some facts that I have learned in the past 24 hours:
- My blog has suddenly been deemed 'adult' by my work filters....ha I rule!
- That back in my great gradmother's day they used bacon grease to cure lice....ewww!
- Companys make inferior products that are sold only to Walmart so they can sell them for cheap. While the same item sold at another store is made better. Another reason not to shop there.
- The car chase that flew by my house the other night started when 2 guys tried to rob some teens at gun point but failed when the clip feel out of the gun and the kids ran and told a cop. WTF stupid is as stupid does! Here is the full article~~>Elizabeth Car Chase<~~~I drive by the crash site almost everyday on my way home. It actually ened a block from where our babysitter lives.
- We told our 5 year old not to feed the fish because the last time he did he dumped way too much in the tank. And we told him that could kill them. This morning he asked to me to feed them just enough so they wont die and get X's on their eyes! I tried not to laugh because he was dead serious but that is some funny shit right there!
- And lastley I learned that it is humanly possible to get 2 potatoes and a jar of jelly up your ass....dont ask but I did see the xrays and hospital pictures. I love the internet!
- I have started it up again~~~~> My workout Blog!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
(side note, she just finished all of her paper work and it is offical she will be graduating this...March, May?)
As I cleaned, did dishes and such I would walk by this lovely pie of death and take a nibble. Little here, little there and before I knew it I was bloated and unhappy. I have gained about 15 lbs since the summer and I feel like crap. I want to workout but my dirve is just about gone. I was doing the bike thing in the morning but that did not last. I am trying to formulate a plan, step one was to get ride of all the bad food in the house. CHECK, I ate it all. Step two; exercise more, I will have to get back to you on that one......
One of my escapes used to be working out but now it seems that Call of Duty4 has taken that over. So, with that I have to set aside my addiction before it gives me a bad case of 'Dickie-Do' That is a serious disorder that affects men only, it is where your gut becomes so large that it sticks out farther than your 'Dickie Do'.
And with that addiciton I can say I do understand those that are trapped by WoW, and I am here to offer some help with people that know someone or are dealing with the effects of WoW addictions. Here is a little commercial I found that might help.....WorldofHomoCraft.......I might even help me with my CoD4 addicitons.
I know I might sound a bit rude when I talk about WoW and its because of several things, one: I have known a few people to get sucked into its dirty clutches and two: I have watched someone play it and I have never wanted to leave a room so fast in my life. Not even a room full of beer filled frat boys eating white castle's could make me run that fast.
Normally when I am watching someone play a game I am anxious to play too. But after sitting behind a guy playing WoW for about 2 hours asking questions I had no desire to go anywhere near it. It was slow, meticulous, the fighting was childish and the game play was so overly drawn out. I swear if real life was like this we would grow old and die trying to get to work. We would stop ever 20 steps to find some creature that I cannt even pronounce, carry a trunk full of our weapons in the inventory and for the rest of the time standing in the same spot waiting for our friends to get back online. Because they had to talk to their mom, take a piss, eat dinner, do homework or whatever else might be going on at the time.
One guy I know was a real party monster that became a WoW whore. He now has about 40 cats, took out all of his pericings and only comes out of his house if we drag him out. This is a guy that used to drop E while working at Target just for fun! I am affarid someone might find him face down on his keyboard one day with his cats eating him.
Now I am not saying all that play WoW are like this, the guy I going to this concert with this weekend likes WoW and he is still cool. But he is a rare find in that Carpal Tunnel sydrome plauged world. I do not want the internet to ever crash it has to be one of the best toys known to man but sometimes I do day dream about the day it does. We would have to start reading books again, actually doing work at our jobs, going out to meet our friends, build leg muscles and even bring back up the stock in bicycles!
This one kid that lives next to the inlaws almost never goes outside, and he has the pale skin to prove it. This generation will have the lowest cases of skin cancer since the 1920's when people were always dressed up to their eyeballs in clothing! I love the outdoors and would have gone insane if I could not have gone out, back when I was a kid. I vividly remember getting on my bike when the sun came up and not getting off of it for more the a few momments of time until the sun went down. My friends thought I was some kind of reverse vampire, I always had to be home before the sun set, my parents were weird. And I had video games then too, I played them until I had blisters on my fingers but I still went out.
All I am saying is that it is ok to play games but I think it is time we all took stock on how much time we spend on them. Hell, we regulate our son's game time and I think it is time I regulate my own. It is getting too much, and I dont want to be a fat weak gamer freak that cannt fend off a real nazi zombie attack with my uranium powered chain saw. I want some real life fun again, the playstation is now on time out.
Oh, and about blogging....I do that at work so it seems and sounds like I am busy typing up, god-knows-what but it sure looks important to those who dont know what blogging is all about.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Been getting Busy.....
Slow day, even got to go a little road trip to a satellite office. And while on the road I spotted the coolest drag racer:
Instead of having the big slicks in the front it had them in the back. I have heard of the front wheel drive drag racers but this was the first time I had seen on up close. So I had to bust out the camera phone while going almost 80 and driving with my knees. I am a Professional Idiot, please do not try that yourself.
I had to work but that was cool; I was alone to sleep at my desk and fight with my printer. I had the end of the month reports to do and of course when there is no one to ask; I had technical problems! But work was simple and no problems.
While I was working the wife unit finished up the side dishes that she had cooked to take to her moms. She made these awesome stuff peppers and this bacon and green bean thing that I love. You see this year we were smart about our feasting and had Boston Market cook for us. All we had to do was heat and serve, well except the turkey that had to be cooked a little. The mother in law did make a roast beef and a few other things, in all we ate too much, drank to much and vowed off food for at least 2 days. The sangria was flowing and the food was almost endless. I had to work the next day so I did not over do it with the drinking, which I had no plan on really getting hammered anyway-Way Too Much Food!
After I almost feel into a food coma my neighbor asked if I was up for some adventure. And in the words of Flapp Jack- ADVENTURE! And if you have no idea who Flapp Jack is, well that just means I am that much cooler than you; now go youtube him and find out for yourself!
He asked me if I was up for getting out of bed and heading over to Walmart at 0300hrs! I was cool with that, so we went home, I took a nap and got up at 0230 and went out.
We were out in line for 2 hours waiting for Walmart to open, Rt 22 in Union NJ. The crowd was not on their best behavior to say the least and the momment the doors were unlocked, the screaming and yelling began. People were in a feeding frenzy to get to those flat screen tvs and basement bargain deals.
I wasnt really there to get anything, I was there...for... THE ADVENTURE! I got my ankles bruised by crazed women, witnessed a bitch fight between two women that were arguing over being bumped.....I had this crazed lady just about walk right through me to get into an isle, but size was on my side and she ended up being the one pushed out of the way. To me this was all amusing and never once lost my cool. Even after the 6th or 7th cart smashed into my ankle! It was madness in any direction, I could not began to understand how those news broadcasters could claim that shoppers were not buying as much. From the cluster fuck that I came out of; everyone was there to buy and almost everyone walked out with more than thier fare share of Xmass on Credit! Who needs cash when you got plastic!?!
Went to work following my ordeal at Walmart and was greeted with this-

Some asshole kids thought it would be fun to rip up a bunch of little trees that were planted in the back of one of our buildings. This was not the first time they did it but this was the worst, 6 uprooted plants. At first we thought someone was trying to steal them because apparently these things are $$$$$$$ but after a closer look it was obvious there was nothing missing. I can see spray painting the side of the building, breaking a few windows, or even stealing a few signs but why harass the damn shrubs??? Well, at least they are outside doing something and not inside play WorldofHomoCraft.
It really has not been all that cold here in the land of Jersey so this is about the most I have had to cover up as of late.

Jagger Bombs!
The weekend went pretty quietly, ate left overs and cleaned. But by Saturday night I was sick of left overs and wanted pizza. So we went to Big Apple Pizza, they have the famous 24' pie. I should have taken a picture of the this beast but I did not even think about it until it was all gone. Now when I say beast, I mean it takes 2 people to get it through the door some times big! I also got a Gyro, I love Gyros! Lamb; no beef or chicken I want mine with that cutie little bleating animal in mine! Animals, just cutie meat sticks one step away from yummies in my tummies. I feel the same way about house pets too, so if you think its funny to have your little shit machine of a dog crap on my yard dont be surprised if you see me roasting fido on a spicket this summer! Hmmmm taste of chicken with a hint of Alpo!
Other things of note-
- We had a repo guy at our job the other day looking for someone that was fired 2 years ago, she did not live at her last known place of residency and no one knows where she is. Hmmmm maybe she drove it Mexico, she was from there after all....well at least I think she was.
- The gold fish are still alive and growing. I swear these have to be the toughest fish I have ever seen.
- 4 more days until I go and see Mindless Self Indulgence.
- My wife found what porn site her little brother likes to beat off to....if you are interested are interested check out moc.nropuoy. I spelled it backwards so no one will goggle the site and get linked back here. I have enough people finding there way here from 'midget porn' searches and 'dirty Sanchez' or the best yet 'chick w/dix' I never know what I will find when I look into my web tracker these days!
- The wife and I are strongly thinking of getting each others names tattooed on our ring fingers. I know it sounds crazy but no matter what happens in life this will be the woman that will forever be on the highest pedestal in my life.
- And lastly, the plant my wife brought home about a month ago is still alive and growing! If you knew me at all you will note that I will kill anything plant wise.

I am now off to look up a new interest of mine. Its called hardstyle, go to youtube and look up 'Moonboy hardstyle original' and you will see what I mean. I know it is not 'new' but its new to me!
Peace out, word to your mother, whiter than mayo beeeeeeeooootcch!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Almost uneventful....

Monday, November 24, 2008
Vampires and Boones Farm...
We went to see the movie on Friday night and let me say this, I am a HUGE vampire fan and even dreamed of them becoming real. I am a little freaky like that. I have read all kinds of stories about them; from Ann Rice to Brian Lumley. There are many different variation of the same story but one thing always remained the same.....FANGS! This is my biggest complaint about the whole movie, the vampires in this story line are fangless. The whole, not eating people idea was nothing new or bothersome, the glittering in the sun light like a goth kid in a black light was no biggie or the idea of them never sleeping-which I would love!!! The whole fangless concept irked the crap out of me, not even the giggling little girls taking pictures of the movie screen bothered me as much as that! But the constant...AAAAHHHH's coming from the same girls every time they almost touched or when they waisted 5 minutes of them looking into each others eyes, was just about as annoying as the no fangs concept.
The drama was over the top, the cheese was runny Velveeta, the acting on the main female part was sand in your eye irritating and the editing was choppy as hell. I joke with the wife unit that this movie was much like watching a documentary on lumber jacks in a pine forest, choppy and full of sap!
I am always baffled by why they take a book that has a whole movie already mapped out for them, and screw it up with half ass hack script/screen writers. I did not read the book but the wife unit said the book was a thousand times better with alot less sappy high school drama crap. I mean it was like being back in high school, all the over dramatic responses to something that did not need it and the 'I will love you forever and ever ever though I am only 17 and have no clue to the fact i will have 7 or 8 more men fondling me before I really settle down'
I was disappointed with the movie and would like to delete it from my mind. Lets do a counts of the vampire movies I DO like, no real order just which ever one cums to mind first:
- Lost Boys
- John Carpenter's: Vampire
- Stokers: Dracula
- Ann Rice's: Interview with a Vampire--only one worth watching
- Dracula 2000
- Fright Night
- Blade
- Underworld
- Vampire Hunter D (anime)
- From Dusk Till Dawn
- And of course Dracula, the 1931 film.
And here are some that I did watch but did not like:
- Twilight-I might read the book still not sure
- Bordello of Blood- funny but still a turkey
- Queen of the Damned-Book rocked the movie sucked
- Buffy the Vampire Slayer-I still canny believe this became a tv show!
- Van Helsing-good graphics, bad story
- Salems Lot-another King book killed by Hollywood
- Lost Boys: The Tribe- It had potential.....
I did not put True Blood in here because it isnt a movie as of yet but I am a True Blood fan. I did watch all the episodes and the final episode kept me on my toes a little. I might bring myself to read the books, I know watching the shows might have spoiled it a bit but they have my interest. But as far as reading Twilight, the movie has totally turned me off from wanting to read how a limp wristed, glittery, no fanged vampire turns out.
I had an uber busy weekend but was able to get to my bottles I had been stocking up on. For one I am calling this my last bang for a while. I feel I am gaining too much weight and the not exercising is killing me. So this was my send off to a week of eating less and exercising more. And what better way to do than 6 bottles of Boone's? I tried all different flavors but my favorite by far was the Blue Hawaiian! None of them went down bad and none of them came up either ;-)
I drank 4 Saturday night watching football and Harold and Kumar Escape from ......where-ever, laughing my drunken ass off. That movie is awesome, racist to a T but if you cannt laugh at yourself you are not allowed to laugh at anyone else.
Sunday while cleaning and eating the best damn I meal I have had all week, I finished off the other 2. The wife made chicken, mashed potatoes, corn and the best damn gravy I have had since .....maybe last thanksgiving! It was all home made and even required a nap was that good!
I wish I had taken more pictures this weekend but I was all over the place and did not have it with me most of the time. But I did take one last night before 4 of the six made it to the recycle bin:

Sheila, how many bottles did you drink?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Adsense help....
With that I went to the link and followed the direction, and even got me a google search engines on my site now! I am cool, but now what? They gods of google said it will take 48 hours for something to show up on my blog, I am curious as to what is about to appear on my blog. They said something about google reviewing my blog and then adding something. If someone reviews my blog to see what type of ads fit; I will be interested to see what the think fits ha!
Does anyone have any experience with this, can someone point me in the right direction with this?
This is a picture I took of myself this morning, I got this hoodie in Wildwood NJ. We have gone down there ever Memorial Day week for the past 2 years. I hope to do it again this coming one as well. This year was alot colder than last, so there was little water time. But we still had fun and took tons of pictures.

I was going to repost some of those pics but instead I am going to be lazy and put a link~~~~> Wildwood2008
Also while trolling about my blog I found that Chris-Mek has linked me! I love when people do that! Thanks to everyone that does, Sheila, Becky....oh look there is a little black jumping spider on my desk........wait what was I typing about....oh yeah I had the weirdest dream last night.
It was a cross between Star Wars and The Day of the Dead! I woke up this morning tired and confused. I spent most of the dream running here and there and shooting people with lasers, that later turned out to be a squirt gun filled with bright green Gatorade. It was bizarre, I am not about to anal-ize it because it was just a dream but boy was it vivid!
Good luck with everything Chris, keep them smokes away and no soda. I am now off to fill up my water bottles!
I was just trolling around my blog doing some house cleaning and I was looking all those comments I got from people that are no longer with us. Well, in the sense that they have let blogging for one reason or another. And I think I will do a post to sort of remember those that have fallen and remember the good old days when I first started doing this almost 3 years ago. I also noticed I have over 500 post to date! I think at some point this weekend I will go through them and get rid some the crap post I have made through out the years, sort of a spring cleaning of my thoughts. Just because it came out of me doesn't mean I have to keep it.....I mean I flush after everyone of my creations on the throne!
And if anyone thinks I jump around alot when I type you should try to have a conversation with me, half the time it will end way off the topic we started with! Kind of like an episode of Family Guy! Well I am off to do some actual work, got to clean up all the crap I did not do since Monday so i will have that much less to do next Monday....and then I am off to the bank, Target and the happy store, aka the liquor store. Boones Farm here I come!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Its 0455 in the morning....
And let me tell you it was freaking cold, but not unbearable as of yet. I wore a tee shirt, a grey long sleeve cotton shirt, a white long sleeve cotton shirt, a hooded sweat shirt, thick sweat pants, gloves and this ear head band thing. And the only thing that got all that cold was my nose. I did have a face mask with me but I did not think it was bad enough for it.
But one thing i might have to get is a light if I keep my night riding up, and some better reflectors. There are parts of this street I ride on that has no lights.
I hope to get out there again sometime today, hopefully when the sun is up so I can take my camera with me. When you ride by things on a bike vs. a car you see alot more shit. Graffiti you never noticed, funny stickers stuck on stop signs, road kill in odd posses of death, and in general strange things people leave out for other to take. I once say a used toilet on the side of the road with a free sign on it, to bad I was driving 60mph down a 25 mph speed zone and could not get the picture.
Riding a bike outside is so much better than any other cardio I have ever done. Stationary bikes, treadmills and those other torture devices work great but they get boring within seconds. And all you can do is stare at the counter thinking, 'I have only been on this thing for 3 minutes....aaarrrggghhh!'
I will have to change up where I go but most of the other places i can ride will have to wait until I can pedal faster for longer periods of time. Those ghetto rats can hall ass when they smell crack money! But going early in the morning is a plus in that department, most of them are heading off to sleep it off about that time. Most crime happens around 2200hrs and 0400 hrs. After that it is usually nappy time for all the bad guys. There are a few places I want to go to get some pictures but they will definitely wait for day time! I am not going out to these places when I cannt see! But then again nothing says motivation to pedal like ghetto scurvy running at you!
But on the idea of riding my bike more, I am going to have to get a better seat. This morning my bootie was sore as all hell from the previous ride. And since these are some bumpy roads we have here, sitting down isnt always an option! I have no idea how those people that do those races sit on such an uncomfortable seat for so long! My ass hurts from only 2 rides that came no where close to what they do.
But that is all I have for now, other than I miss summer already. I dont mind the cold and can deal with it just fine but I am a beach and sun kind of a person. And I am sooo missing days like this:
Summer 2008-At my moms gated community poo(Manville, NJ) yelling, to talking, no splashing, no running, no horsing around, and absolutely no fun. Man, old people really do suck!

Summer 2008- fishing off the coast of Sandy Hook, NJ

Summer 2008- Bowcraft Amusements- Watchung, NJ. My oldest vomitted from one of the spinning rides! This is the middle child, with his summer do.....I wish I could have one!

Summer 2008- Fishing in Staten Island, NY. Didnt catch anything but an eye full of hot mom ass!

Nothing boost the spirits like a little summer look back!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The good with the bad.....
1) I bought tickets to see:
Mindless Self Indulgence, one of my new favorite bands. Go to youtube and take a look ~~>Shut me up
I had to find someone to go with me because this really isnt the wife units scene at all. So I asked our friend Raymond:

If he would like to go and he was all up for it! Raymond is one of those forever single guys that is up for just about anything at the drop of a hat that involves loud music, booze and women. Not really always in that order but fun times never the less!
The concert is going to be at The Starland Ballroom, in Sayerville NJ. I called them to ask them what their policy on cameras is, and they told me they wont know until the night of the show. It seems every time I go somewhere they have some problem with cameras, and not always they same problem. Like one place was ok with disposable cameras but not digital cameras and another place would not let you bring them in but you could buy them once you got in the place. WTF!
2) I got out on my bike!
I have not ridden my bike in a while, like a really long while, and last night I put on some sweats and went out. I went alot farther than I planned but did all right. I was going to go jogging this morning but I just could not get my ass up out of bed. I hope to go out today as well.
3) Ate rice and beans again....hmmmm beans beans the magical fruit......
4) I saw gas at $1.81 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did you hear me? It has dropped well below 2 bucks! Man, I now drive a little bit fast than I did back in the old $4 days.
Now on with the bad!
Nothing big just enough to make my morning grumpy!
1) I got woken up at 0120 in the morning from work for some bullshit. It happens sometimes, I just deal with it.
2) I slept through my alarm clock! So I hit the ground running, and man was it better than coffee. The up side of realizing you over slept is the rush you get from that very fact. I have not been that awake at 0630 in the morning in a while!
3) I forgot my food :-( very unhappy about that one!
4) I stepped in dog shit on the way to my car! It was huge and fresh, I swear if I ever see someone walking a big dog and leaving shit on my part of the street I am going to raise hell. To the point I will brown bag it, follow you home and then smear it on you door knobs! Me in a rush and not wanting to get crap in my car and not wanting to go back in the house for a new pair; I improvised! I got as much of it off as I could with the leaves and grass, then took a plastic bag I had in the glove compartment and wrapped my foot in it. I drove to work with my right foot in a Stop&Shop grocery bag, and it worked like a charm.
5) I hit 95 mph going to work, I never drive that fast but today I was hauling some serious ass! Luckily the cops were still napping when I zoomed by, I soo need to put a camera on the hood of my car lol!
6) I get to work to find out the big boss is coming in and I did not biggie I can usually hide from him....which I did very well thank you ninja skills!
But that is all for today, it has taken me all freakin day to get this post out, I started it around 0800 hrs and it is now 1355 hrs! Oh well, one last happy note for today:
I got a free bacon, egg and cheese on a roll from the cafeteria guy. With a shitty morning I get a breakfast smile!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Monday again?
And I know steriotyping people isnt nice but the fact they exisit means that they are some-what true. Let me tell you a little story about my personal exsperience with rice and beans and a spanish family:
A few years back I was looking for some over time so I worked at the front door(more like table) at company picnic. This was something they did every summer for the employees; swimming pools, games, enough food to end world hunger and it was all free! My job was to make sure everyone had a ticket and was given one goodie bag per family. The whole morning went by with out anything of interest happening, until the sterotype family came in. It was like watching a comedy routine of Carlos Mencia come to life. There had to be at least 15 of them, all from the same family. From the oldest of the old in a wheel chair to youngest of the young in a baby wheel chair, aka the stroller. And following them in with his wife beater on with some spanish saying on it (across the girth of his beer gut), came the alpha male carrying the vat of rice and beans in one of those silver disposable containers. At first I was a bit confused as to why they were brougth their own food, like I said there was more food than sense should have allowed.
And then this guy I was working next to, who was spanish and already holding back giggles, told me what it was. I almost shit myself! I mean who brings their own rice and beans to a party like this? It would have been like me bringing my own jar of mayo to a party! And hell if the hispanic guy next to me was laughing it was open season on steriotypes.
And at that point in my life I had not really eaten rice and beans and the wife had yet to learn the art. But as much as I like them I would never bring my own food, unless asked to do so. But if you want to make sure the party has what you want, there is no better way to secure that than by BYOB (Bring Your Own Beans)
Here is a close up to Fridays left overs......up close everything looks scary!

I worked 16 hours of Friday so this was my breakfast and lunch, for dinner I just roamed around the buildings looking for meeting left overs. I found pizza, tons of chocolate and a small sandwich. Firdays usually have the best left overs.

This weekend I bought some beer and some Boones Farm Watermellon Malt drink(it isnt beer and it isnt wine so it is malt drink) was like candy for adults! And if you have never heard of it go here for some more details~~> Boones Fam! Now go out and buy some damn it, lets all get smashed !
On Sunday we did the usual breakfast of pancakes, eggs and for me some left over ham steaks. But I always cook mine last because I am the only one that likes hot sauce on my food.

Also on Sunday we had a death.....of one of our Halloween gold fish. He was the runt of the liter so it wasnt all that suprising. But the other two still look strong, lets see how long we can keep them going.

It is now 10:25 am on a Monday morning, so far so good but lets see what cruve balls life can bean us in the head with by sleepy time!