This one comes from a simple word, todays episode is brought to you by the letters 'F' and 'U' and the word 'OWNED'.
This is a word that has been used in all kinds of ways but the one that I will be showing today is the one I love. I will give several definitions of what this word has come to be known in the internet world
To hold as property; to have a legal or rightful title to; to be the proprietor or possessor of;
A corruption of the word "Owned." This originated in an online game called Warcraft, where a map designer misspelled "owned." When the computer beat a player, it was supposed to say, so-and-so "has been owned."
The last one is the one I am going to be using for todays post. If you go to any photo sharing site and type in either the word 'owned' or 'pwnd' this is what u are likely to find:
1) The facial exspresions here are golden, she totally owned this dudes nuts!

2) I always knew Tiigger was unstable.

3) I love it when asphalt owns skaters....its such a joy to watcher and not a reciever anymore lol.

4)Well lets just hope it was Paris Hilton's and that she was in it!

5) I love it when dudes do gay shit to each other when they get drunk.

6) I sure hope he got something out of this paddling......other than black and blue ass cheeks and balls.

7) These are my favorite kind of 'Owned' pics....for obvious reasons hahahahaha! I bet she tasted that one!

8) Historical versions ring true as well.......I bet Churchill would have teabagged Adolf if he had the chance.

9) Well......actually I think he got owned hahaha!

10) This one is a little nasty/funny but this one goes out to all those white and nerdy ppl. If Anime porn gets you off this will do the trick ass well.

I am now off to cough up the rest of my lungs. I hope this is the tail end of this crappy ass cold. I am getting tired of waking up at all hours of the night coughing.
pst..........dont tell any one but I had to do one quickie......Have a Happy 'TiTs' Friday!

Totally sweet. You sure make Friday's fun. Thanks for the Pwned lesson. It's something I have always wondered but was afraid to ask.
Haha that was too funny I love the girl's expression in the first pic.
Mosh girl rules! Funny post. I give it a thumbs up!
That last pic is strangely hot, the belt is a hot idea for a shirt.
TGI-TITS!!! woot!! woot.!!
i love that moshing chick. thanks for always making me laugh. you are a riot.
Hello my long lost Blogger buddy. I am starting a new series ever here so hopefully I'll be more dedicated. Hope all is well with the family.
*LMAO* I swear, that has to be the funniest shit I've seen in a long damn time!
Lovely... I needed a smile (yes, I know I'm days late, but I still needed a smile and a good laugh!)
That post owned. Next time I'm in a pit, however, I'm kicking the first girl I see in the ovaries.
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