Ok, lets see what else has happened since I have blogged last..........Oh yeah, the baby got more shots from the doctor and weeman got his second shot for the flu vacine. The first one wasnt too bad but the second one was much worse. The nurse was a little heavy with the needle, the first nurse got him in the arm with little to no complaint....but this one got him in the thigh and boyyyy was he pissed!
This is the look of someone who is watching the needle not getting it!
Weeman helps Cheese with his overly active mouth water problem.
We also dug out Weeman's old jumper and put the new walking chalanged member of the family in it. We had to put a book under him, he is still a little short. But from the looks of his brother that wont be a problem for long.
As you can see here Weeman still remebers that this 'was' his and he wants to reclaim it. But Cheese doesnt see it that way and is about to show him this is his now. Ownership is nine tenths of the law....whatever the fuck that means haha.
Last weekend we took down all the lights from the house. Taking down the lights is always easier, everything has been boxed and bagged away. I even organized them a little to help with next years lighting ritual. The house looks so boring now....but that spinning wheel in front of the house that records the electricity usuage is moving much slower now.....werid.
Like I said my work pc was shit out of luck for a few days and I was as pissed off as an AA member stuck in October-Fest. But the funny part about it is that while it was down I was able to get everything done that needed to be done for the new year. All the end of the year stuff has been boxed up and put into its archieved place (the corner behind my filing cabinets on top of 2005's boxes) and all the left over paper work from when I was in Virgina. So it was a blessing in disgues and I am thankfull in a since for the much needed work time.
But I am now all caught up looking for something to do so I will checking ppls blogs for the next few minutes until work takes over........I am glad to be back to blogging :-D