Hello again from the wild world of the Jersey white man. Not much going on as of yet. Lots of rain though. Above we have a hottie in the reflection of his new ride, I am da bomb-diggitie-bomb!
And yes that is an Alabama tee, just in case u cannt read backwards haha. I am just a little bored with not much to say. Funny, everytime I say that I have a huge rant about something completely pointless haha. But so far I so good.

With the ever rising gas( It is at $3 a gallon here) I thought I would share this little photo I found a while ago. It is a bit dated but it still holds some humor and horror. "No blood for oil" But we have spilled the blood, now I want that damn oil! Fuck me for not carring to much about the rich oil lords, does anyone remeber the good old days of rape, pillage and plunder. The spoils of war damn it!

As anyone can see I am at a lost for words as to what I want to say. Damn it I hate when drama hits but it sure makes for a good blog. Women would not watch soaps if there was a void in the drama, and drama makes the day go by as well. But I am all tapped out for the moment ppl. I hope everyone is having a good day. And I also hope that one of my blogger friends, Danielle, is doing ok. She is having a hell of a time with work and life I just hope u are doing well. Here is a big blogger hug from me ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Danielle)))))))))))))))))))))))))))).
Peace out Yall!
High gas prices make me glad my car runs on gravity; it'll go as long as I'm pointing it downhill.
Don't get me going on George Bush and gas prices....
Have you talked to Danielle lately? I have been worried about her.
I know the feeling! Tapped out like a mother fucker! I've been neglecting my blogging friends lately too.
Hope all is well with the bun in the oven!
morbid: put in N and coast hahaha.
normie: yep AL is where I called home once.
cherry: I have and she is having a rough time. I hope she emails me back.
the_mrs: Forest Hump is my porn name haha
scott: spamming cock sucker go fuckyourself with a broken bottle.
becky: its alllll good there, when are u going to get knocked up?
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