It is another Thursday and I have been caught without my pants down...that is right no HNT for me. Work is hell and home life has my full attention, I am not complaining about home life but work can really suck dirty ass at the moment. I took the little man to get his hair cut and I forgot the camera, I really need to have one implanted in my head haha. He was such a good boy while all the salon girls flocked over him(me) lol. You know women find men attractive that spend time with their kids. Justttt kidding, no one was was checking me out, I think.... But I did see someone I thought I knew. She looked allot like this girl I knew in high school but younger and allot skinner. Then it hit me, she was the little sister of my old friend. I could not get over how much she looked like her sister, well except the fact she was modle thin and had bigger bonkers. The last time I saw her she was this little bean pole, that was back in 94. Time has been good to her. I cannt imagiane what this is doing to the older sisters self esteeem. She was one of those slightly over wieght drama queens that always had some sob story about how the weight of the world was on her shoulders. It also didnt help her father was very ill and her mother was always hardest on her. And of course I ended up friends with her for a time but the drama got a bit think and I ended up leaving it all behind. From what I have heard she still runs in the same circle of friends and still has all kinds of drama issues. I always end up friends like her, maybe its because I actually listen and that I am a sucker for a good story.
If you have drama I am there, why you ask? Because real life beats made up soap operas any day. We all have life stories and I love sharing mine and I love hearing other ppls. And hell sometimes all someone wants is someone to listen to them and I am always willing to. I think this is why I am such a Blogger freak and I have stuck around longer than I thought I was going to. I have read stories of heart ache, joy, pleasure and pain. It is what makes us human and alive. If you dont have a story to tell you are either not old enough or lead a very boring life. People that are affraid of life's pains never live.
I love without fear of losing and live as if I will be young forever. I have been hurt and I have caused hurt, I am sorry for the pains I have caused but I cannt un-do it. And some of it I would not want to undo, hell some ppl need a good kick in the ass to wake them up to reality once in a while. There is one person I can never say that I am sorry enuogh for being an ass and that is my wife. Back when we were just dating I broke off our relationship and our engagment. It was fucked up beyond fuck ups. I still to this day dont know why I did it but it steemed from me not wanting to end up married again then divorced. And I think if I had just opened up more it would have never happened. But being a closed person when it comes to my own emotions I tried to cut off my nose to spit my face. But luckily when I came to my senses she was willing to give me another try to make it right. I didnt really want to leave her but at the moment I could not get away fast enuogh. Funny thing, the whole time we were appart she was the one I compaired every woman to. I am one emtionally mess at time but that is what all men are but few ever come to terms with it. I have break downs from time to time and I will probably post about one of my more recent ones that beer and the movie Crash brought about. When I drink my walls come down and the emtions come to the surface, my therapy can be found in a bottle. How sad is that?
But that is enuff of my ramblings, if anyone has noticed I am all over the place when it comes to my blogging. And just in case you are wondering, this is how my mind works. One minute I am thinking about breast, then I am thinking about food, off thinking about what I am doing at that moment, vagina, pop rocks, work, ghetto botties, my left nutt needs a scratch, blog, midget sex, beer....and sooo on. And this is usually in a span of 60 seconds. I really think those ppl nailed it when they said I have ADD. My mind is all over the place, and my blogging reflects this perfectly. I will start on one topic and end up with something like this:

But the way this is hot as hell! There is nothing sexier than a woman in high heels and thigh highs...well at least in my book! Thanks Leg Show for my addiction.
Now for something completly different:
I found this song the other day and I have to share-
The Penis Song-Monty Python
Isnt it awfully nice to have a penis.
Isnt it frightfully good to have a dong.
Its swell to have a stiffy,
Its divine to own a dick.
From the tiniest little tadger,
To the worlds biggest prick.
So three cheers fot your willy or John Thomas.
Hooray for your one eyed trouser snake.
Your piece of pork,
Your wives best friend,
Your Percy or your cock.
You can wrap it up in ribbons,
You can slip it in your sock.
But dont take it out in public
Or they will stick you in the dock,
And you wont come back.
Now go forth and sing this song out loud to all and have a great day. If that song doesnt help you smile or that pic didnt make your ding-a-ling twitch a little you need professional help, so if you have an issue here is a tissue haha!