So needless to say I am very tired and in need of some rest. I am not sure if I posted this picture before or not and I dont feel like looking in old post ......I am that lazy right now.....But any who-
This is a picture to support the little mans nick name. The big brother is named 'Mr.NoNo's' for obvious reasons......but I call wee man 'Mr Angry Eyes'. And below you can see why. He always does this angry eyes thing and its too funny. He looks like he is either pissed off, deep in thought , or trying to push out one of his protectil shits.
It also looks like he is throwing up some kinda gang signs lol.

I will put 2 real fast funniess, I just dozed off typing that last sentence. After I click publish I am off to take a nap in my car......I am serious I need a nap.
1) I will never shake her hand, I might get hand crabs!

2) Why dont they listen to reason......?

Paris Hilton is checking for the catch of the day.
lol he looks like he is trying to figure out something very serious lol, he is so adorable, gotta love a baby with such cute expressions lol...
I hope you get some much needed rest soon :o)
that pic is hilarious! some people are born to be in chrge, ad I think he may be one of them. Have fun when he's 2-17yrs SUCKA!!
Cutest baby in the wide world!
Love the scratching pic, that's what happens when we shave like you guys love so much! It grows back and it itches!
The young one looks like he's having deep thoughts. Which is more than you can say for Paris.
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