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I live in the state of constant confusion. Its the state colored blue on the map. And yes I can find any place on the globe, its all color cordinated! (duh)Asia is pink, England is green and France ....well France felt they were soo much better than everone else they have become their own planet.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Food Porn

As I have mentioned I have cut my food intake way way down. I do eat, just no where near as much as I used to. The winter has spoiled me and made me soft. So now I am cutting back, not starving myself in the sense of not getting proper nutrition. But, there is a difference between surviving and living.....Here let me tell you how it is for me. I get up (around 0530 hrs) and usually will have something small like a cup of cottage cheese or a piece of fruit. Then I will have my morning (2X) coffee and then i wont eat again until almost 1000 hrs. That can be anything from a sandwich or left overs from last nights dinner. Then, if I remember to bring $1.50 with me I will have a cup of soup from the work cafeteria; and if not I dont eat until dinner time. After dinner, usually around 1700hrs, is where I stop eating. The only time I vary from that is if I go to the gym, and then its a post workout shake and that is it.

My biggest problem has always been the midnight munchies. And as of the past 3 weeks I have been successful at keeping it at bay. I do not bring unnecessary food to work, I do not keep spare change at my desk (fear of the vending machine) and I drink water.....lots of water. Not much to eat at work if I dont bring anything, most of the office left overs are found on the second shift so I am safe there. I currently weigh in at 212, which is great I want to do better bit this is a good start. The summer is here and I am ALMOST where I want to be, now if I could just get my ass to do more cadio I would probably be doing better lol.

But enough of my food drama, I will be going to my artist on Thursday to get some more ink done. I have a lot more to go but it wont get done if I am not getting my but in the chair. If I had a money tree I would be there all freakin day. But I dont have one so i will just have to deal with 2 hours here and 2 hours there.

And I am happy to say that my Asshole-itish is almost gone. The wife gave up some maritals last night so I think I have discovered a cure. I am not sure if it works for women as well but it sure helped to get me out of my little slump. I even have a slogan for it.....Got the slump, slap on some old Bump and grind and pump away those in cherry and blueberry flavors....warning some side effects maybe but not limited to joint ackes, sore muscles, temporary shrinkage of the nut sack, sweating lots of sweating and the urge to eat everything in the fridge.
And since I am on a random tear here some more random thought straight from the brain:


Possessed Bitch said...

Man I want to ride that banana and get it bloody.

Possessed Bitch said...

Yea, I'm back bitch. I got the midnight munchies and I'll be munching on your white ass.

Possessed Bitch said...

I like horny white men that lick blood.

Shari said...

What's up Honk? Uhhh, we're going to have to do something about PB!!

I've recently really gotten into fitness and nutrition so I understand where you're coming from with no snacking and only water!

And I think I'm the only woman alive who is disgusted by Twilight and Edward. I made it half way through the second book and couldn't stand to read one more second about a controlling, asshole vampire!

Julie H said...

That possessed girl scares me..

I think you aren't eating enough. Maybe you could have a big salad before bed or something? Definitly doesn't sound like enough calories.

And sex always makes me feel better. They don't say people "just need to get laid" for no reason.

Breigh said...

I also get soft(er) during the winter. This winter I feel like I sort of ate everything in sight. This cutting back stuff sucks :( I miss my maltesers.

Oh, I love Twilight :( Deep down I totally see the funny in that photo, because I've thought similar things about it, but my love for it is greater haha I'm weak!

Martini said...

I'm totally doing teh opposite. I've been forcing about 3000 calories into my belly a day in order to try and keep my weight up. I have a metabolism so fast my gas breaks the speed of sound.