Ok where to begin where to begin.....So, last Wednesday I started my vacation. I had to drop the wife, sister and brother in law off at JFK to fly down to FL. They where meeting up with the USS Roosevelt to attend what was called the 'Tiger Cruise' it was like bring your family to work for 3 days in the Navy. And this is where my 3 days of just me and boys started!
To start things off we got lost on the way home, I am not used to going to JFK and there was horrible weather. First I missed one turn, then I missed the second and then the third was closed and the detour was all screwed up. And in the end I ended up in NYC! Right in front of the Empire State building!!!! But luckily I knew my way home from there. Just a right onto the Holland Tunnel and right onto Rt.9 and bamm Home Sweet Home. But the weather was really crappy that day so we all staid in and played, and I cleaned.
Thursday, I took the baby to the sitter and took Seth to the mall. We watched Monsters vs. Aliens, that boy did not say a word from the time that movie started! I liked it myself, just the movie theater had an awesome sound system that they felt needed to be set at 'Bone Rattling!' Then we went to Jeppers, it is just another name for Chucky Cheese really. Except they use these credit cards instead of coins to play games. He ran in the gym until he was purple then played some racing games, that boys loves to race! We then went to the park to practise some Tball, our coach seems to cancel more practises than actual practise so I make it a point to at least practise with my spastic monkey.
Friday was a lot of running around cleaning and getting things ready to drive to VA to pick up everyone. I was leaving at 0100 hrs on Saturday so I had the mother in law come over and watch them while I got some sleep before the drive. I was thinking of getting some smokes for the road but I wasn't driving my car so I went for the winter fresh Skoal instead. I am not a big chewing fan so I went with the less manly approach and got the pouches. Same effect with a bit less of the mess! I forgot how dizzy chewing tobacco makes you at first lol. But if you ever have to drive for a long time alone chewing tobacco is the way to go; coffee makes you have to pooh, uppers and energy drink make you have to pee; but if you go with the Gatorade at least the bottle can double as a urinal!
The trip down there was actually relaxing until I hit VA and got lost trying to find the damn base! But luckily I was able to get in touch with the Navy man and gave the directions in. And even after all the turning around and slow driving.....yes I drive slow it helps with gas....I still got there in plenty of time to wait around and get a farmers tan. I have plans to go to a tanning salon just to even out, I am not really into tanning but I hate retard tans more than none at all!
This is the one of the few pictures I got right before my camera died. The wife unit has a bunch more so I will probably be putting those up as soon as I get them uploaded. My bunch can be seen on the top row, from the left we see Sharon taking a picture of me taking a picture, then we have the wife unit, navy man and mudmonkey.....don't ask but that is his nick name!

This is the other picture I got right before it went dead. There was so much love in the air it was hard not to tear up. These men and women have been away from their loved ones for almost 8 months, and a big thank you goes out to all that have or currently serving in the military! Thank you Ranger Tom you will not be missed in this post....do you still have that bazooka?

This is just some random picture i took at work, I wonder if this was an accident lol!

We live blocks away from some really rough PJ's (projects) and I have been watching this guy paint this wall for the past few days. I finally pulled up to get a picture and ask him a few questions. He said the owner of the restaurant asked him to do it, damn good too! When your business is in the ghetto you have to let them know you are rep-ra-senting!

We took the kids to the park last weekend after Seth's Tball photo shoot and took some pictures. You know those kind of pictures that go right into the photo album, or in our times we create a folder and name it 'Day at the park spring of 09'
Here we have a future baseball card!

After a change of cloths it was off to da park!

Someone thought this would be funny......I am not amused....just kidding I was laughing my ass off!

This was the very moment I found it, and told the wife unit.

Here we have Lucas making his way to the top.

He loves these things and hates it when I do my 'Momma had a baby and its head popped off' song. You sing that then pop the head of the flower off with your thumb. I am not sure if anyone else does this but my mom taught me that when I was little and I still do it to this day!

After all that running around we went for breakfast at the diner. We got the booth right behind the gray penis. As you can see he was happy to see us.

And as usual Lucas gets his own seat, strapped down with every put out of his reach. He hates sitting in these things but it is the only way we can go out to eat and not end the day with ketsup, grape jelly, salt, pepper and steak sauce in his hair!

I will be on again in the next few days, I have about 500 pictures to go through from my wives trip, the sister in law takes LOTS of pictures. Now it is just the job of going through them and finding the good ones. That will be a job for me and a bottle of Crystal Skull Vodka. Which me and the brother in law downed while watching Grandma's Boy, Ona Bok 2 and American Psycho. That night ended about 0400 in the morning, I live for nights like that. I love big parties but sometime the best times can be had with just 2 people some booze and some good movies!
Oh....and one more thing:
feeling stoopid
-- Site Summary ---
Total ....................... 40,142
Average per Day ................. 11
Average Visit Length .......... 1:03
This Week ....................... 78
This is from my site meter thingie! I put this thing on here sometime around 2005 and I have finally gone past the 40,000 mark. Mind you its probably more trolls and spammers but still look at those numbers woohoo!
To start things off we got lost on the way home, I am not used to going to JFK and there was horrible weather. First I missed one turn, then I missed the second and then the third was closed and the detour was all screwed up. And in the end I ended up in NYC! Right in front of the Empire State building!!!! But luckily I knew my way home from there. Just a right onto the Holland Tunnel and right onto Rt.9 and bamm Home Sweet Home. But the weather was really crappy that day so we all staid in and played, and I cleaned.
Thursday, I took the baby to the sitter and took Seth to the mall. We watched Monsters vs. Aliens, that boy did not say a word from the time that movie started! I liked it myself, just the movie theater had an awesome sound system that they felt needed to be set at 'Bone Rattling!' Then we went to Jeppers, it is just another name for Chucky Cheese really. Except they use these credit cards instead of coins to play games. He ran in the gym until he was purple then played some racing games, that boys loves to race! We then went to the park to practise some Tball, our coach seems to cancel more practises than actual practise so I make it a point to at least practise with my spastic monkey.
Friday was a lot of running around cleaning and getting things ready to drive to VA to pick up everyone. I was leaving at 0100 hrs on Saturday so I had the mother in law come over and watch them while I got some sleep before the drive. I was thinking of getting some smokes for the road but I wasn't driving my car so I went for the winter fresh Skoal instead. I am not a big chewing fan so I went with the less manly approach and got the pouches. Same effect with a bit less of the mess! I forgot how dizzy chewing tobacco makes you at first lol. But if you ever have to drive for a long time alone chewing tobacco is the way to go; coffee makes you have to pooh, uppers and energy drink make you have to pee; but if you go with the Gatorade at least the bottle can double as a urinal!
The trip down there was actually relaxing until I hit VA and got lost trying to find the damn base! But luckily I was able to get in touch with the Navy man and gave the directions in. And even after all the turning around and slow driving.....yes I drive slow it helps with gas....I still got there in plenty of time to wait around and get a farmers tan. I have plans to go to a tanning salon just to even out, I am not really into tanning but I hate retard tans more than none at all!
This is the one of the few pictures I got right before my camera died. The wife unit has a bunch more so I will probably be putting those up as soon as I get them uploaded. My bunch can be seen on the top row, from the left we see Sharon taking a picture of me taking a picture, then we have the wife unit, navy man and mudmonkey.....don't ask but that is his nick name!

This is the other picture I got right before it went dead. There was so much love in the air it was hard not to tear up. These men and women have been away from their loved ones for almost 8 months, and a big thank you goes out to all that have or currently serving in the military! Thank you Ranger Tom you will not be missed in this post....do you still have that bazooka?

This is just some random picture i took at work, I wonder if this was an accident lol!

We live blocks away from some really rough PJ's (projects) and I have been watching this guy paint this wall for the past few days. I finally pulled up to get a picture and ask him a few questions. He said the owner of the restaurant asked him to do it, damn good too! When your business is in the ghetto you have to let them know you are rep-ra-senting!

We took the kids to the park last weekend after Seth's Tball photo shoot and took some pictures. You know those kind of pictures that go right into the photo album, or in our times we create a folder and name it 'Day at the park spring of 09'
Here we have a future baseball card!

After a change of cloths it was off to da park!

Someone thought this would be funny......I am not amused....just kidding I was laughing my ass off!

This was the very moment I found it, and told the wife unit.

Here we have Lucas making his way to the top.

He loves these things and hates it when I do my 'Momma had a baby and its head popped off' song. You sing that then pop the head of the flower off with your thumb. I am not sure if anyone else does this but my mom taught me that when I was little and I still do it to this day!

After all that running around we went for breakfast at the diner. We got the booth right behind the gray penis. As you can see he was happy to see us.

And as usual Lucas gets his own seat, strapped down with every put out of his reach. He hates sitting in these things but it is the only way we can go out to eat and not end the day with ketsup, grape jelly, salt, pepper and steak sauce in his hair!

I will be on again in the next few days, I have about 500 pictures to go through from my wives trip, the sister in law takes LOTS of pictures. Now it is just the job of going through them and finding the good ones. That will be a job for me and a bottle of Crystal Skull Vodka. Which me and the brother in law downed while watching Grandma's Boy, Ona Bok 2 and American Psycho. That night ended about 0400 in the morning, I live for nights like that. I love big parties but sometime the best times can be had with just 2 people some booze and some good movies!
Oh....and one more thing:
feeling stoopid
-- Site Summary ---
Total ....................... 40,142
Average per Day ................. 11
Average Visit Length .......... 1:03
This Week ....................... 78
This is from my site meter thingie! I put this thing on here sometime around 2005 and I have finally gone past the 40,000 mark. Mind you its probably more trolls and spammers but still look at those numbers woohoo!
Don't thank me for my service... It was a long time ago and I was just doing my job. But you're welcome anyway! As for the site counter... I've hit the 41k+ mark myself recently... It's kind of neat, and it does let me know when my psychotic ex-wife & mother-in-law are stalking me!
No matter how long ago it still matters!
I wish I had stalkers!
Somewhere Phil is crying because people are spreading rumors that he is gay!
Someone knew you were coming to the playground to read poles...isn't it a little too "eye level" for you to be meant for a kid?? Hmmmm....
Omg the car thing seriously made me tear up!
Alone with the boys and everyone managed to stay alive, without any tattoos to boot. Mission accomplished.
Hahahaha. Oh the grey penis.
MomT: damn striaght I am straight!
sheila: you sure I am not the stalker here hmmmmmm
Breigh: I was hard to keep it in seeing all the love that day.
becky: yes and not one trip to the er!
Super: you know you love it!
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