To the point Target was completely sold out! The people that make this shit are making a killing of this paranoia! And yes Americans thrive on paranoia! It is almost like we need something to be scared of to get us to do anything. Even to the point of seeing things at my job I have never this:
and this:
I see these type of things in restaurants all the time....and for good reason. But I work in an office and luckily it is away from everyone else. I only come in contact with people if I want to, or I get bored and want to go for a walk.
They also sent out this email about how to wash your hands. And I swear this shows just how retarded they must think we are. It told us to wash our hands for 20 seconds of for the length of a 'Happy Birthday'......WTF is this mickey mouse bullshit.....a happy birthday! Come on, I can handle counting to 20 thank you very much! But telling retards about how long to do and actually getting them to do it is a whole different story.
If you go potty and either dont wash your hands or just rinse them off with a quick spurt of water, guess what? I notice, and I know who's hand to shake and who's to use Puerile right after. I know my hands are not always the cleanest but I do wash them after putting them near my nether areas!
Ok that is all I got to say about that.....but why oh why would something so tasty cause everyone such a horrible problem. I love pigs.....bacon, ham, pork rinds, pork chops, pickled pigs feet, fat back.......oh why oh why have you done this to us!?!
Now for something completely different:
I love motivational posters and I would like to share a few I just found.
(again if you get this odds are you know me pretty well)

I take a piece of that! Rare please, I dont want any burnt areas, make it pink the middle and juicy all around.

I am all over the place today because of my workout. I have all kinds of energy today, I did 3 sets of reports, blogged, read the paper and took had a movement that Amadeus would have been proud of! Thank you Metamucil! I have been upping my protein in take, got some joint health stuff and been downing water like a frat boy does beer! WOOOOHOOOO I am loving being back at the gym.
Last night we took the kids to the day care thing they have and surprisingly they liked being there. Not one cry or peep out of them. We set them down and they were off! We are going again tonight, and we made sure we put in reservation for the child care. Yes you have to call in advance to tell them you are coming in with kids....weird but it does make sense. And I just noticed I still have on that little bracelet thingie they give you......uh oh time to ingest fuel and hydrate!
Ahhh much better. I add peanut butter to my shakes to bring the protein content up to 36 grams a shake. If you are working out you have to feed that muscle or it will not grow at the rate it should. And yes even if you are looking to lose weight you still have to eat. Nothing will get you on the right trace better than your diet. No amount of crunches or dead lifts will get you where you want to be like proper nutrition.
Ok enough.....I am now off to do another set of reports, push some paper around to make it look like I was working all this time and then go take a nap in the makes a great pillow when piled and folded just right.