It has taken me 2 days to get my pics to load on blogger. I know I have alot of pictures but wht the fuck. It was loading nicely then half way through it stopped working.
But now I have them up so let me get this over with before the powers that be stop up on me again.
Last Friday, as I mentioned, was our 5 year wedding anniversary and we went to the city(NYC). Our first stop was at our local bank to take out the needed funds to get us one our way. Then it was off to Dunkin-Doughnuts to get some much needed coffe.
Here we have those in line for thier morning happiness.

Then it was off to the train station to hop on the next train in. We have driven into the city but it is too much of a pain in the ass and forget about trying to park. NYC is fun but the meter maids they have walking the streets are lieing bastards. If you have not see the coverage on it, they keep catching them handing out bogus tickets for anything and everything. I contested the one I got last winter and won. Fuck You very much NYC, this is why I keep my reciepts. Proof!
So my advise is to take the train at all cost.
Here we have a view point from my crotch, best seat on the whole train.

It was to be one of the coldest days of the year, so me being an ex-boyscout(got kicked out for eating a Brownie) I was prepaired. Long Johns(top and bottom), jeans, boots, long sleeve shirt, hoodie, hat scarf, face mask , leather gloves and long jacket. Lets just say I did not notice how cold it was. But I did get quiet a good number of funny looks. What would you think about someone walking towards you looking like this?

We stopped by Macy's to see the window displays and get the little woman some ear muffs. I love saying that...muff!
Here we are doing the tourist thing in full force.

And what visit to NYC would be complete without the typical 'looking up shot' at the Empire State building?

We did not have all the time in the world so we decided to go to Madame Tussaud's wax museum. Here is where most of my pictures were taken. Just a warning, it's freakin 30$ a person to get in. It was fun but not 30$ fun, hell a few more bucks and you would have an all day adult pass for 6Flags.......but oh well.
Our first faux celeberty was the one the only Benny Hill. Doing what he did best....looking creepy.

The only thing I think that was wrong here was the lack of body hair. Robin Williams is one hairy Mo-Fo!

Meet the Osbournes, I wanted to name my son Ozzy but the wife was having none of that. But she did let me put it in his middle name :-D

I wanted to take a bite out of her butt to see how real it felt but the wife might have gotten a little jealous. And yes this thing stuck wayyyyy out!

Viva Revolutin! And what the hell is that table cloth wearing werido doing behind me?

Madona, not a very good likeness but close enough for me. It even smelled ranchy, man Madame Tussaud is good!

I always thought he would have been shorter.

If you can guess who this is I will give you a is a hint ......'He was kicked out of art school for being too eccentric.'

He wasnt called 'Tricky Dick' for nothing!

Even standing near a wax dummy my unborn son's were nervous.

Bill Gates wont miss it, hell I only took the American Express Black card and gave him back the rest. Sheesh, I am not that evil lol.

He was taller than I imagined. And never did I imagine the men of men wearing a pink shirt, WTF is up with that!?!

Richard Simmons would have been jealous hahahahaha. And the lady holding the giant serving platter was some lesbian tennis player I think. I was tempted to look up her skirt but I was affraid of what I might have found......scarry!

I have a few more but I think I will save them for another time. Never blow your entire wad all in the same shot. Advise given to me from Ron Jeremey, great great man.
We then walked over the another serious tourist spot...The Hard Rock Cafe. Now I thought it was 'Hard Rock' not 'The Limp Wristed Moopy Emo Cafeteria'. We were there for almost an hour waiting and had to put up with nothing but old crappy top 40 songs and videos. It wasnt until we sat down did we actually hear a rock song, and it was Korn, Follow the Leader. Not bad but damn......

The food was good, greasy and not to badly priced. The wife unit could not eat much of her food, she said it was too greasy for her. So I ate almsot all of hers pluse mine. That is what men are good for, garbage disposal units. This is the kind of food that sends you into a stupor the momment you stop eating with a big old gravey smile.

I recomend the Big Combo and nothing else. I was ordering with my eyes and ordered too much. But by no means did that mean I was leaving anthing un touched! My god I am getting hunger pains just looking at this!

After that we had to head back to get our little bundles of squishy happines from the baby squasher.......I mean sitter. Baby sitter, there was no squashing done to said babies :-D
But before we left I got a pic of one of the worst radio stations here in the Tri-State area....Z100. Since I got Sirius I only have to put up with 'free radio' at work. And it is never ever z100! I would rather listen to country at that point!

I have a few more pics of NYC but I think I will wait to drop them off here to play. And hell it isnt the last time I will be going in to the city. I hope to go again to see the other sights. The tree, Rockerfeller Center, RunWay69----oh wait the doesnt exist anymore.......damn Disney, Damn them to hell for cleaning up 42st!