And so far I have nothing but praise for the drug Vyvance, I am on it and my son is on it and it is doing wonders. I have read some stuff on line about it but as of now I have had none of the side effects I have read about. I have always had insomnia so that was not a worry. But, with my mind no longer racing all over the place I actually fall asleep right away. One of the problems with me was that if I got something locked in my head it would play out over and over again; to the point it would keep me awake. Now, when I lay down to sleep there is nothing working in my head. I still have my little day dreams but not like the crap I used to have in there.
Today is the first day without a smoke, I refuse to spend money on them and I do not hang out with people at work that do so I have no supply. If they were here I would probably smoke them lol. I am not saying I dont want one but wanting and having are two seperate things. And i no longer have that god awful taste in my mouth. As much as I love a good smoke the lingering after taste is enough to make me want to stop on my own lol.
I am now off to do some much needed school work, got to study for those damn finals, its almost over.....almost over......
I do have some picture I just got off my camera to share, what would a post from me be without pictures?
1) Lucas loves Thomas the Train, he is forever looking for his missing cars. I think this one was actually taken by Seth.

2) I took this one from the window in hallway. The screen gives a strange effect. This was Saturday, barbq, baseball, head shaving and way too many orange vodkas with red bull!

3) I bought this ball on a string toy to help teach the kids how to hit a baseball. The kids dont like it too much but the adults love it. It is fun, you can hit a ball as hard as you like and not have to go running for the damn thing. Or shell out money to pay for the damages the ball did.
Congrats on not smoking!!! It's great. I quit for almost 2 years.. but recently kinda picked it up again.. damnit.
Congrats on being smoke free! What a cute little boy you have!!!
I'm glad you are feeling better!
Good luck with your school and not smoking.
Lovee your family pics.
That's funny
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