Ok, here we go; daddy is going to help you....now start peddling fast!

Keep you feet on the pedels....

Now pedel.......

There we go.....almost got it.....

No; on the pedels....on the pedels....

Well it did not go as planned and it did not end like those after school special we all grew up on. I am beginning to think those little mini movies where made just to make us feel bad about ourselves. In the end the trainning wheels went back on and he was back to racing around the back yard with no worry to balance. I remember the first day I rode my Spiderman bike with no trainning wheels. I had to be in the first or second grade, we were living in this apartment complex in L.A> (the state not the city). And there were a lot of kids that lived there and we all hung out and played together. And one day I was riding my bike and the training wheels actually fell off! It happened right in front of the pool they had there and I remember seeing some girls in the pool, and not wanting to be uncool, I hoped on my bike and just peddled as fast as I could go! And that was it, I was training wheel free. And before I knew it I got a new BMX bike....which got stolen durning a Mardis Gras parade we had on the street by a bunch of drunken asshats! I saw them do it.....man was I pissed that night.
Funny how we remember shit like this but forget what our wife's tell us seconds after they stop talking........
Here is a random funny for a Monday.....it is true, and thanks to the Internet it is proven over and over again!

Well the first think I see in the pictures is that the bike looks too small. His knees are all the way near the handle bars.
Hard to teach balance if he's constantly off balance.
Borrow one of the neighborhood kids bikes that is bigger and see how he does there..lol.
it took me a week to teach ashley how to ride her bike...I ran behind her so much it was crazy...she was 5 when I taught her and once she got the hang of balance (took forever for that lol) she was gone...
Its way harder to teach a kid to ride a bike than the movies make it look like lol, on the sitcoms the parents hold the back for a min and thats it...the funniest part was once she could ride she still couldn't get the hang of the brakes lol, she would scream to catch her lol
We gave Alex some safety goggles and said they were magic and let him ride in the grass. Man, kids believe anything, it worked, though. He was really into the Winnie the Pooh movies and Piglet had magic earmuffs so he could ice skate. Time flies, enjoy the training wheels, next thing you know, they are 17 and driving.
Trevor was like that too. Then one day he got mad that he had a baby bike, went and got a wrench, took off the training wheels and with the help of his big sister just took off. Funny how all of a sudden they just get it.
Aw how cute. I remember when i was taught to ride without training wheels, my dad worked in a cemeter digging graves and thats where i learned!
Sheila: point taken will try to rectify that soon.
carie: I still have bad balance and can still ride a bike lol
mimi: that is an awesome idea, I will have to try that too!
MomT: yep its like a switch flicks and they are off.
danielle: probably the safetest place to learn too!
Another one of those great posts! I remember my first time without training wheels myself... I think I was 22 or 23...
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