But first I just want to say I love when restaurants do kids eat free days. We all went to Perkins last night and it was buy one adult meal and get one kids meal free. So we bought 2 adults and 2 free kids meals, and to boot they had this magician there. He did the usual slight of hand tricks and card tricks but he was really good at them. I knew how a couple of them worked but he was fast and I actually did not catch a slip up. He handed out his card and if we ever have a party I might even hire him.
The food at Perkins is almost always on the upper end as far as chain restaurants go. And I think our oldest will agree because after he was done with his mac and cheese he started licking the plate! It was to funny to even tell him to stop!
Several side notes about the people that sat around us:
1) To the parents that capped there 7 year old boys 2 front teeth in gold, you are first place in my ghetto trash award.
2) There was a lesbian couple sitting next to us, which isn't any big whoop in my book but..........the one woman was a rather LARGE woman and the other was as a Skinny. My mind was all over that visual ha!
3) Another gay couple came in as we were leaving; is Perkins a gay hangout or something? And it was reallllllly obvious who was the catcher and who was the pitcher in that game of love!
I love to eat out.....take that quote how ever you like ;-)
Now on with some quickies, I have to get payroll done and a whole lot of other things I should be doing. And with that let me start things off with this one:
1) While trolling photobucket I found this and if I could photoshop my picture into it you could see how my office looks right now.

2) I am always saying this and got a good laugh from it. Damn dirty hippies!

3) While looking up 'boobs' I found this. Take note women this is how we think, end of story. But he is missing on thought, food.

4) I found her while looking up 'sand bags'. She has tons of typical myspace pictures, you never really see her from the chest down; kind makes you go hmmmmmmm. Or the usual self shot pictures of her looking up at the camera, how original......

5) Good god, Epic is the only way to describe those bonkers. Hell they better be she paid good money for them!

6) I refrain from having friends that have hot sisters/moms/aunts/grandmothers/trained monkeys just for this reason.

7) My wife knows all about 'the motor boat' even if she claims not to remember.....;-)

8) This last one has nothing to do with the topic at hand but I had to put it up. I am a huge fan of body art, tattoos and piercings but sometime I really wonder what the hell they were thinking when they said, "Yeah I want this permanently inked on my body." Here I give you the asshole award for the day in 'WTF Where You Thinking'

I hope everyone has a good night, a happy Friday and that I get to see some drunken post by Monday. I think it is time for me to blow out some brain cells as well, I have a bottle of rum in the freezer with my name all over it tonight!
I'm not a big fan of fake boobs. In my porn viewing I like to see real boobies! To your lesbian sighting, if I were a dyke I would be dating the hottest bitch on the planet, no exceptions! I couldn't settle for a fat chick, or a way skinny chick with mosquito boobs, I guess I would date me actually, lol.
Becky: if you ever do lesbian born please let me know the link to the web cam!
Alright time for me to come out of lurkdom. I'm loving reading your blog since you left comment over on mine. The pictures you post and what you write just makes me laugh and just wanted to say thanks. Have great weekend!
You are such a perv, I said nothing about doing porn, just watching it! Of course your mind goes to me making porn, lol. Never have and never would, not my style. I'm much too classy and not on drugs to do all that.
It's been a while since the last tits friday. Glad to see it's still kickin' around. Wouldn't it be awesome to be able to hang 'motivational' posters like that in your office?
Ok being a little worried what might Tits friday mean... I have to say I nearly peed myself and read your blog out loud to my brother!
Love the gold teeth and I had no idea about Perkins...
As for the um' "moron" with the tatoo at the end... I can't wait till he is old balding and has a gut... that is going to be real attractive... or better yet.. has a daughter!
theresa: My goal in life is to make someone laugh, even if its only me. and thanks for stopping by!
becky: I am a guy and the thought of two women getting it on is just a wonderous thing! and all I am asking for are some pictures ;-P
martini: I used to have some of the de-motivational ones up but none of the dirty ones.
girl: please if you pee yourself make sure you take pictures of it.
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