After that we headed over to Costcos and the food store. I get a real kick out of seeing the TUB of mayo and the ketsup bottle big enought to drown a small horse! And while at Costcos we did see a few oddities....
one: We saw what looked like a man with his 3 daughters, but no! It was a man with his 2 daughters and his really really pettie wife. She was not a midget just really small.
Two: I saw what I thought was a heavy set man with his woman shopping, but the wife pointed out that he was a she! And yes after I re-adjusted my eyes it turned out to be a woman....and oh did the fantasy island reel start! The wife wasnt to bad looking but it was veryyyy obvious who was the catcher and who was the pitcher in that game of love!
From there we went to our local food store, Stop and Shop. It is a bit on the ghetto side but it is a block from the house! And every other week they have awesome deals on chicken breast, like 6 of the skinless breast for about 6 bucks! How sweet is that! And most of the time the people you see walking and working there are just too funny not to go in and just look around. There was this one guy that used to work there, he is probably in jail or something, that used to work the cash register. He had gang tattoos on his neck, long braided hair, and he used to wear either white gold or silver jewelery....lots of it. Like Mr. T lots of jewelery. He had rings on every finger, a huge star of david necklace....which by the way did not mean he was jewish, it is also a gang syblom of the crips.....yeah we be in da hood! I have not seen him in a while. Maybe the local Bloods didnt like him all up in dar buizzness so they offed him out back.
But as we were leaving there was a detour from the underpass that takes us home. It seems that a flat bed truck carrying another truck hit the under pass going fast as hell. From the picture below it is hard to tell what happened. And believe me I was a foot away from this thing and i could not figure out where one began and the other one ended. They where mashed together, it looked like it had gone through a blender or something.
But besides that my Monday was pretty normal. It is now 0830 on a Tuesday and I have been at work for 2.5 hours and have yet to do anything, so have a good one and make sure you take a camera everywhere you go. You never know when you might bump into a 6 foot tranvestite with flamming red hair you will have to blog about when you get home!
honkie your nuts!
If I bump into a tranny like that I will definitely take a picture. I've only bumped into a big black one working the drive thru window at a Wendy's.
Walmart is much better than Costco when it comes to finding interesting people!
The Asian/Mexican Market we have here is my fav place to people watch. I'm afraid to reach into my bag for the camera phone though, because the ferocious owner might think I'm shoplifting and kung fu me. Serious! I've seen her do it before.
That accident looks...ouch.
D: yes I am
becky: yes walmart goes without saying is the freak show to end freak shows.
Pru: I would love to see that!
Guess that guy is getting fired!
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