Between all that has beeen going on I have not even looked at a blog in almost 2 weeks. Bad me, I should always make time for my net friends. Bad me, paddle my ass and call me Suize!
But there is not much I can do about it really. Between work, school, babies, unpacking and masterbating I cum up a little short on time for blogging. But I think once I get a handle on things I will be back to my normal slacking self.
Since my last entry we have been to 2 birthday parties, NYC, bought a new HP computer, restarted up at the gym again, unpacked some boxes and drank countless cans of beer. Like always I am limited on time so I am just going to throw up some of the pictures I have been slacking off on getting out of my camera. Luckily it is digital and not rolls apon rolls of film. I hate having rolls of undeveloped film sitting around the house.
We went to the inlaws and went swimming, the baby got lucky, he has his own pool that he can pee in. And while there he finds out what that extra finger is for.
We went to a birthday pary for one of my wifes old co-workers. Mr. NoNo's was all over the girlie action. I think by the end of the day he had 4 phone numbers, 1 girl on the chirp(nextel walkie talkie thingy), 1 email and at least 6 myspace invites. He is like a dog chasing cars, he knows he wants it but would have no idea what to do with it once he catches it.
Can you guess how old the birthday girl was?
Now, I won tickets thanks to the New York Post to go to the
Bodies Exhibition, if you have no idea what this is click the link and have a look. I also got a limo ride to and from the exhibition, $100 buck to the South Street Mall and $100 to the resturant call 'RED'
Here we have me going in style, damn I am sexy in a limo!
They would not allow us to take pictures while in the museum for some strange reason. I did sneak a few on a cell phone but they came out really crappy. I was somewhat pissed about that but oh well, what are you going to do? The exhibit was great.....if you like seeing the human body in different levels of disection and dismemberment. Most of the bodies were not behind glass so they were up close and personal with the flesh. And yes these where living people once upon a time.
Now after our date with humanity we went and tried to eat $100 worth of food at this tex-mex theme resturant. With this brush with internal organs one might think 'How can you eat after that?' I can eat after swimming in a pool of shit, so this wa no big deal to me. I ordered a pitcher of beer @ 22 bucks, and food like I just got off a deserted island! And since the wife doesnt like beer I got the whole thing to myself haha!
Here we have the wife unit trying to decide what she wants. She is not a big tex-mex fan but there are a few things on there she found that did not remind her of human flesh and brain matter.

After eating we went shopping and bought a few house hold items at Sharper Imagine at the mall. Never sharpen stake knives and a stainless steel money counter. No house hold should be without one.
I thought the day need some spice so I called the Ghostbusters.
But look what I got. What kind of spooks are this wacko-matics going to suck into those little boxes? They do not look equiped to fight spectors and monsters, hell I hope they dont start shooting themselves in a panic and then reload and keep firing.

This guy was not in the shape I would have exspected a swat team member being in. I am pretty sure you could take him down just by untieing his boots and running like hell. And just in case anyone is wondering, this was the same day that the steam pipe broke and this was when they still thought it might have been a terrorist attack.

To unwind this stressfull past 2 weeks I invited an old friend over for some beer and pizza. I bought a12 pack of Natural Ice for $6, I was broke. And I was not about to invite someone over with no beer in the fridge.
I had 2 left over the next day so I broke the cherry on this beer mug a friend of mine gave me. It hold exactly 2 cars of beer. I love it and so did my liver! And yes I have an expresso/cappocino machine, I like my coffee strong and black....just like my....ummm....well never mind that one. I still remeber what happened to Imus, and lets just say I not touch jokes in poor taste. Freedom of speech could only apply if I owned this blog.

I am now off to do what I do. I am going to try and keep my blogging up to more than once every 2 fucking weeks. That is sad! I am going to aim for once a week and try to up it from there.
Have a happy Tuesday, it isnt Monday so thats always a plus.