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I live in the state of constant confusion. Its the state colored blue on the map. And yes I can find any place on the globe, its all color cordinated! (duh)Asia is pink, England is green and France ....well France felt they were soo much better than everone else they have become their own planet.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mr. Beer: Try # 2---

My mom got me a Mr.Beer for this past Xmass. I already had one that I bought at Target from some time was on sale, orange stickers people come on now! And I thought, hey lets try again. My first attempt did not turn out as well as I had hoped, but I think I was just a little to impatent and screwed a few of the steps up. So this time I tried to do it slowly and by the book as possible. One of my biggest mistakes last time was I did not sanitize things as well as I should have. I am not saying it was dirty but a little bit of bacteria can ruin it all.

So I cleaned all my surfaces and got to work. It really did not take much time to get everything into the keg.

But I did come across a very unusual problem. If you look closely you can see the whole that the tap goes into. Well, the keg my mom bought me was defective, the whole was too small. Now being a man small holes are often what we want, you know.....more friction hehehehehe. But here a smaller hole is not a good thing. I could not get the damn tap thing to go in, typical man cannt get it in without help. Well, I was tempted to pull out the old drill and make it bigger but I thought better of that. And since I still had my old one I cleaned it out and used that one. I later called Mr. Beer and told them about it and they sent me a new one, without any problems. I love this company!

So I got the sticky worth in the key and put it in the basement. I have to keep it somewhere it wont get to cold and will not be harassed my someone looking like this:

Or this:

The only person who should be touching it is someone who looks like this!

The instructions said to let it stay for at least 2 weeks but I have now had it down there for 3 weeks. They said there was nothing wrong with letting it set for longer, and that actually doing so will be better. I now have my bottles, the caps and the sugar, I will be going to the next step this weekend. Then it will be another 2 weeks before I can drink it, but that is ok. I just want it to fuking work damn it!
I have always wanted to make my own brew, this is more of the retard prove way but someday i would love to go pro.....does anyone know how to make real home brew?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Long time no blog....

I must thank everyone for stopping by my neck of the woods and leaving comments. I have been really bad at making post and I am not about to make excuses to why. I am an ass and that is about it, well that and I am a lazy ass. Work is its usual nightmare of paper work, skool is still going and life is good. Well it is better now that I am over the worst damn I cold I have ever had. I even had to break the 'Man Code' and go to the doctor.

Turns out I had some sort of upper respitory thing going, but since my insurance did not cover xrays they could not pin point exactly what it was. But I got some antibiotics, an inhailer and some morphine laced cough medicine. WHOOOHOOO. And 2 days later, no coughing no back pains and no more night sweats. The night sweats were the worst part of it. I would wake up in the middle of the night soaked, and I mean fuking soaked in sweat. I had to lay a towel down before I could go back to bed, it was gross! But I am all better, but the cough did make me wait a whole week to get my last Christamas presen:

( I had to wait until the cough was gone. Imagine trying to get inked while coughing like a 80 year old Marlbo man?)

It is now a week old, its a Salior Jerry pinup girl with my wife's name in it. Some people said I was crazy but oh well, that just seems to fit in how I roll. I love my wife with all my heart and even if she does become the wicked witch of the west down the road and takes me for all I am worth (about 3 bucks) she will still be part of my life. Hell we have known each other for almost ten years now, and being only 31 that is almost all of my adult life! This is my gift to her and my family, I have plans for more family tattoos but funds are slowing me down. I have started saving up for the next one.....and yes it did hurt and yes it did bleed, but that is nothing more than a faded memory. Old pain fades but ink will stay with you forever, so pick your ink wisely.

Lets see what else....oh yeah! A few weeks ago me and the missus were up late watching Tv when we heard this loud crash. It sounded like it came from the front yard. We went out so see this 4foot tall hispanic man jumping out of a blue Dodge Ram pickup that had just went head on with a silver Dodge Ram pick up that was parked in front of our house. It wasnt mine so i wasnt all that upset nor did I feel the need to chase him as he bolted down the street. The whole neighborhood came to life at 11pm! Everyone and their mother came out to see it.

We all took turns playing detective: there was an Ecuadorian (sp) flag hanging from the rear view mirror, so I was right when I said he was hispanic. The seat was about as far forward as it could go, so he was short. The keys were in the ignition, so most likely it wasnt stolen. The air bag was out but there was no blood, and from how fast he was running he most likely was not all that seriously hurt. But he hit the other pick up so hard that he pushed it back almost 4 feet. If that silver truck had been a small car this would have been a real scene! If he had hit my Toyota, it would have probably acted like a ramp and sent him flying into our neighbors front porch!

The cops were called and i went back inside. The wife stayed out and took this pictures, I was still suffering with that cold so i was not about to stay out any longer.

Other than new ink and some late night drunk driver durbey everything is pretty mucht the same. And again I would like to thank everyone for stopping by and commenting, I will return the favor, because I love attention sorry i am an attention whore SO LOOK AT ME! lol. I will be making the rounds as soon as I can figure out why my work server has flagged my blog as inappropriant and sexual....hmmmmm werid.
Wait hold the phone, I do have one other peice of is sort of on the DL because i am not sure how it is going to go. But I have mailed in my application to become a a cop MUHAAHAHAHAAHA! But the pensions are great, pay is pretty good, they are many place i can go with it, and above all else I get to carry a gun! I am not a gun freak but I am a guy and nothing is more manly than a man with a badge and a gun. I swear, i am trying to imitate chuck norris more and more each day. Did you hear, he was sueing NBC? Yeah apparently they are using a trade maked name for one of their shows: Law and Order. Because those are the names of Chuck Norris left and right legs, too cool for me!

And by the way, my xmass tree is still up, its fake so it wont die or turn into a fire hazard. I wonder if i could just leave it up until next year?
And this is my motto for this new year:

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Yeah its over!

Oh man, its finally over; the holidays and my damn cold. Well most of it anyway! I have soooo much to do and an overwhelming since of dreed. I really need to start making a list and checking things off as I do them. Somethings just never seem to get done. The front closet needs to be organized, the desk needs to get moved, cloths are always going from one pile to another, skool work seems to be getting done later and later, and on and on and on. I sometimes wish I had a personal assistant to help me with managing my time. It isnt the need for more time, its using the time you have wisely. Which I really seem incapable of doing. But I will not give up, I do not have any resolutions, because I never follow through with them, but what I have is "I am going to get this done today list"

On my to do list I have:

1) Blog

2) Get living room, dinning room and kitchen cleaned

3) Laundry put away

4) Look in the closet of doom.

I did not say I was going to do anything but look in the closet, but that is better than what I have been doing to it.....adding shit upon shit!

That is my list and lets see what I can get done of it. So far the blog part is done but that really isnt all that productive lol. Me and the wife finaly weather proofed the babies room, it was on the list for sometime and it got me thinking, we really just need to start doing now. We have become some what complacent with how things are and letting these little projects pile up too much. Before you know those little side projects have become a full scale mountain! I have my list and lets see how it goes.......

But unitl them let me just through out some pictures from over the past few weeks so I can return to my work to do list.

This was from a little field trip my wife took with the older one.

The before picture, evidence A

The Before picture, Evidince B

Cheese showing us all how to properly open a wraped present.

Again proper technique and Mr.NoNo's showing us that stretching is very important before any type of activity.

This was me and my new PSP -Side note I am never shopping at Wal-Mart ever again.....But that is for another post.

This thing scared the crap out of me the day someone gave it to us. I think its still in the closet.

He loved his action figures!

And she loved her new Nintideo DS, she also got Guitar Hero III. And now was battle out our differences on the stage!

And this is the 'After' picture. Looks like the tree just vomitted all of the presents into the living room.

But even though the holidays are over I thought a blast from xmass gone past would help everyone come down and detox a little easier. Here is an ad i am sure that he regreted for years to come. HoHoHo everyone, nothing says happy holidays like a box of cancer sticks!

Thanks Ronnie for the smokes and thanks Nancy for the 'Just Say No' ads. Because we all know the number one killer in the United States is weed!