On Friday July 1st me and the little woman went into the city so she could renew her pass port. She is not native to this country so we had to go to the Uruguaian headquaters to do this act of congress. Here we are on the train into da big apple. We never drive in the grid-lock capitol of the world for obvious reasons.

And besides here you can talk on the phone at a high rate of speed with no worries of the police pullling you out of your car and Rodney King-ing your arse. And on a little side note that case on the wife's phone is no longer in our possesion. Some kind person found the phone in the grocery store and returned only the phone. But fortunatley we found no calls to Guam on the caller ID.

It is always good to know the mayor missed a few of the nasty places that makes NYC what it is today.

On the way to the Uruguayan consulate we say many intriging things. Here, one of many were walking skeleton models. We were not sure if she was a real model or not but we are now sure of the number bones in the human spine.

Another chick in need of a sandwich with more than water and a rice cake chaser.

Sixth floor of the 420 building....420 hehehehe. We were able to achieve our goal with only one snag, an unexapected trip to the bank.

Just some random crap on the way back to the train.

Random 2.

On the ride back I saw the most merto-sexual couple one could hope to find in the city. Completely ingrossed in themselves they did not even notice me taking photos of them. I was only about 3 feet away mind you LOL. I so wanted to give these people a quick reality check but I am sure in this day and age the transit police would not have found my antics amusing.

In NJ one can always follow the signs to get where-ever they need to go!