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About Me

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I live in the state of constant confusion. Its the state colored blue on the map. And yes I can find any place on the globe, its all color cordinated! (duh)Asia is pink, England is green and France ....well France felt they were soo much better than everone else they have become their own planet.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

For the hundredth time.......I reboot

I blogged originally in 4/2005.......holy shit 11 years of my bullshit. Erratic bullshit, very inconsistent and always full of run on sentences. I had this notion that I wanted to do a recap of all the things that have happened in my world since I put a real post down.

But then I figured that was way too much of an undertaking so I am just going to randomly post shit that I have filled my life with. Vacations, pictures....lots of pictures, family, friends and all the things in between.

I have had this blog in my brain but life gets in the way and I have found that if I do not set goals for myself things like this just keep slipping by. Hell, it has been almost one year to date since my last POST!

So where to restart this love affair.....? I guess lets start with last weekend where we went to the Marin Highlands, right across the Golden Gate bridge:

We have been to this location numerous times and each time we find something new. This is the radar site at the top of one of the hills. Damn good view and great location to shot down Russians spies lol

So here is slow beginnings, one fast post and time to go to bed. I started blogging at work back in the day, but my current job is just to demanding to even think about trying blogging at this place. I am going to try and post regularly but I have said that once before......fingers closed.

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