I have a halloween party coming up and it is the first one I have been to in YEARS! I love halloween, it is my favorite holiday and I have dressed up every year since I was like 4. There has not been a year that I did not. I have bought al kinds of werid things in honor of this last remaining pegan holiday that the catho-holics have yet to burn at the stake. I am not even sure if it is a real pegan holiday but I think of as one. Just like I see christmass as one and easter and any other holiday that has hallmark cards and werid statues that resemble anything that is not God alone. And you know what I am talking about.....all saints day, santa clause, the easter bunny, hannaka harry, the day of the dead...another fun holiday....and so on....but I am not about to rant about religon today I dont have the energy.
I have my costume all set, the wives and the babies. The wife and I wanted to go as something that we could all work as a family but we could not find anything that we liked. The wife and I are going as pirates and the kids are going as Darth Vader and yoda. So cutie I could vomit! But like I said this is the first party I have been to in a while. To many ppl out grown halloween to fast and no one wants to be a kid like I do. But I might have found someone, who is actually older than me who still think they are teenagers. I hope all works out, I have to keep the drinking to a normal level. I go insane and I might not get invited back lol. Pirate or not I still have to go home with my wife haha!
I looked up a few pics of other ppl halloween costumes, and even have a few of me and the misses in our costumes.
1) I am not sure what he is but I love original ideas.....I think he is the purple teetubie.

2) This is actually a pretty cool idea, now all that is missing is a guy dressed as a cat trippin on shrooms.

3) i am not a huge Insane clown fan but I love it when children wear their make up. Makes the evil in me smile a little each time.

4) Like with the rest of this pics I found this one on photobucket.....and I am not going to touch it with a ten foot pole, but it is funny! ANd if you dont think so, eat shit and die muahahahah.

5) Almost all of the adult costumes were of the 'Adult' material. I felt like I away at the Video eXtra store but with alot more children running around. I wanted the wife to buy a few outfits for a little trick or treatin in the bedroom. "Trick or Treat put me in heat, give me some muff to eat, if you dont I dont care I just fuk u until I start a fire down there!"
6) Sexy outfits + booze = hot chicks bumping and grinding. Then passing out and wondering why their butts are soar.......just keep telling yourself you fell down some stairs. I made your mom fell better.
7) But also what I love about Halloween is that this is the time of the year trashy ppl can get their daughters ready for the work force as strippers/hookers. It will get them used to the idea of looking trashy and thinking its normal. We need stippers just as much as we need doctors and lawyers. Dont get me wrong, I know its just pretened. Thats the same line Michael Jackson used on his little friends!

But I am out of time again....but here is the little woman an me in our halloween costumes. This was our dry run, I have more accessories and a beard. I have been growing my facial hair since last week. My facial hair is red so it will match nicely lol.