Life is as life does, and the blog suffers. I have moved on and at each turn I miss a great chance to come in and blog about it, why am I such a slacker? I know I know, life is so distracting. I mean I was at the mall the other day and all those lights and buzzers made me completely forget that I went in there to pick up some socks.....holy shit Old Navy has pants on clearance and all those window dummies in the need of molesting, I mean who could resist that?!?!
But I have been wrestling with the idea to just shut this bitch down but I just cannt bring myself to hit that delete button. So I decided to try once again to bring out the old shock paddles and the morphine and save this blog. Because all the video games have taught me morphine and shock paddles can save anyone from anything including bullets!
So, lets do a recap that is all over the place. Which is fine because that is how my life has always been any how so why should my blog be any different lol. Three more classes down, International Business (B), Principles of Economs II (B+) and Commercial Development of the Internet (?). Yeah still waiting on the last grade but I am pretty sure I passed :-D
I have less than a year to go before I and done with this shit, and then its off to find that dream job. But with my luck they will want a PhD or some other bullshit haha!
All the kids are doing awesome, absolutely no complaints there; Lucas is 5 and reading Seth is 8 and doing math that I cannt even do and Devon is 16 and is chasing girls like he is on a mission. So yeah all the kids are doing great, and Santa was good to them all!
The wife is still trying to get a job in Cali, we set a dead line for this year as the do or die for our move out of NJ. Its time to move on and this is the year we are going to do it, one way or another. She is trying to get into a graduate program to further her education in the HR field, one more thing to ad to the resume. You can never have enough when it comes to padding your resume.
I am moving up the ranks in my Masonry, the picture above was the party they had for all those who are moving up the ranks, I am now the Marshal. But as most people know, that is about all I can say about that. Its my special man club, and if you want to know more you will have to ask me on a more personal medium than my blog.
Work is work, its what I do to make money not define me in any other way. I have a job that is micro-managed to a 'T' and my attitude towards that has changed. To the effect that I will not allow it to get to me as much as it used to. When I leave work I leave it at work, enough said.
We took the kids to see the city this year, the typical touristy stuff, Rockefeller, the tree and the usual stuff that out of towners do when in the city. I love the city but there is no way in hell I would ever live there, its just to damn stressful. I mean one day of wandering around there and I wanted to kill someone! But we did have fun and the kids loved it, but I think Lucas loved the train ride above all. I swear that kid will someday have a job with trains, he is mental over anything trains!
See, he just loves Thomas!
You should have seen the line to get on the ice! I am not that big on ice skating but I would like to get on the ice just once so I can say I did it lol
They had these professional photographers out here taking holiday photos. But I was not about to ask what they were charging. Its NYC so you know they are robbing people blind for crap like this. I mean hell all you really need is photoshop people, and dont give the crap about the 'experience'! Its that type of mentality that lets these assholes charge so much for a damn picture.
We were going to take the ride up to the observatory deck but again we did not have to time to go to the bank to take out a loan for the elevator ride. Remember its the holiday season so everything gets a 70% increase in price.
I did take a picture of the corporate side of my company, a place I have lots of dealings with but never been there hahaha.
But in all life is still moving on, people have passed on and we miss them as we all move on. We lost a family member, Willie. My wife's little brother, he will be sorely missed but he will be with us always. He had a hard time in the lifetime but he was always smiling and will always be remembered that way.
I also lost an old friend, he lived his life like it was an 80's party to the very end. We had not spoken in years, he moved and we lost touch but I did hear from my mom that he passed. His mom and my mom are friends, and that is how I found out. It is hard to say how I feel about it, we were close for a time but life got in the way and we moved on. I am sad that I did not keep in touch and sad I never tried to contact him over the years. But, that is all I can say about that.
My ex-fatherinlaw passed away, Joe. He was a good man, hard working and loyal to a fault. He was one of those men that wanted to die with his boots on, and he almost got his wish. He was working just about up to the very end. He was a hard worker that just never seemed to stop but he also knew how to have fun and was a generous man with everything he had.
So in summing up this year we all have lived, loved and lasted. We lived our lives as all people should, loved everyone even though we know they wont stay with us forever and lasted in the since that we are all still here and moving on. Life moves on unless you made the choice not to allow it to, and for me that will never be the plan. They will all be missed but I will carry them all with me into the future, its almost 2012 and I am nowhere near done with this life. I hope all the best for everyone in this up coming year, lets see what it brings. For the good, the bad and even the ugly I cannt wait to see what it holds for all of us.