-I finished with my last class in the community college version of online skool. I am now waiting for my grades, I turned it in on time why cannt she grade it and post it in less than 24 hours....what a lazy twat!
-I have a whole week to myself with no skool! I am so excited I think I will take a nap!
-Last friday I got fucking ripped like an 2 beer queer. I promise a post on that with pictures.
-My 5 year old has a firm grasp on when to use the word 'Fuck' over the word 'Stupid', more to come on that one as well.
But here is the reason for the title of this post.
-2 weeks ago we went to my moms house for breakfast and at some point smelled something god awful! And of course it was the smiling drunkin midget jumping up and down on his ass, doing his best to make sure his entire bottom parts were coated in his own filth. So we argued on who's turn it was but that soon became a mute point when we realized we had forgtten the diaper bag. We had no idea what to do with Captian Shitty-Draws! But being the resourceful person my mom is; she gave us one of my brothers adult diapers, a pair of siccorrs and some black duct tape. And you know what? I worked like a charm!
I am not sure what he thought of this redneck diaper but you have to do what you have to do sometimes.

Here we can see the end result with the tools of the trade proudly displayed.

He wasnt really upset as he looks here, he is just pissed off because we denied him his beer. After all, every redneck accomplishment desirves a cold one.

I am now off to tackle the emails everyone sent me in the few mintutes it took me to do this, man sometimes (wh)oring for my pay sucks.
And yes I know there are tons of misspelled words and typos, if i can I will cum back and fix them, god damnit get off my back unless you intend on fucking me and then buying me diner!