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I live in the state of constant confusion. Its the state colored blue on the map. And yes I can find any place on the globe, its all color cordinated! (duh)Asia is pink, England is green and France ....well France felt they were soo much better than everone else they have become their own planet.

Saturday, June 04, 2016

Product Endorsement: Target Ice Cubes

 It has been sometime since I did an actual blog post about a product endorsement, I unfortunately do not get paid for these. But when I like something, I like to share and when I do not like something I share as well. I belong to Yelp to reach even more people with my  endorsements. I am a huge fan of and use the shit out of it! Before going to a new restaurant I will check the reviews and will even add my own; the good, the bad and yes even the ugly.
I never really gave much thought as to why I do these. In the end I guess it's just a hobby of mine. So, why do I do it? I like doing it, it's fun and I feel that maybe it can help someone else find that new favorite place/thing/dodad or avoid a real shit hole or something not worth the time or effort buying it.
But on with my blog:
I was watching a show that was talking about this high end bar in Japan that has the bartenders carving each round ice cube by hand for their supper high end scotch. And when I say high end I mean $3,900.00 a bottle high end! But I was intrigued by the round ice cubes, and I wanted one! And as fate would have it, the next day we were walking around Target and saw these:

I could not wait to get these bad boys out of the box and in ma drank!

So, I add the water and went about my business. Once science, magic or God did their thing my round ice cubes were ready! The only thing I can negative about these is that they were a little hard to get out, but run a little tap water over then and they pop right out.

So here is to Target and their round ice cubes 'trays'